I am one of the old players. I had an account on RSC and continued into RS. I loved pking. I built my character around it, but that isnt to say I did not skill. I was on of the top skillers in the game for ages. I quit in 2007 when Jagex removed Pking. The only fun I had in the game was pking towards the end. I tried coming back a few times during school breaks, but it never had the same appeal. My brother told me that pking was coming back and to vote yes and so I did. If pking does come back I will be back with a vengeance.
Luring - LOL if anyone falls for this...seriously you are dumb. You are really really dumb.
Wildy - Its the wildy for a reason. Dont go out there unless you are willing to risk money. I only 1v1ed people who risked millions. There is a lot to lose and gain.
Bots - I loved them. It was tons of fun going out to the green dragons and killing bots for free hides and bones.
Old School Players - Most of us left after the wildy and dueling changed. We are the original players. I think we should have some say since we made Runescape what it is today.
Runescape was special because one could lose items and wealth. That is what made it fun. One always risked losing everything and building up again. What fun is never losing anything? That is like playing a game with cheat mode enabled...WHEEEE 99 lives. Sack up and risk items.
03-Jan-2011 07:21:18