3a Dogturd
Hello everyone, Just making sure I got the time correct in my time-zone.
16:00 is 4pm eastern standard USA right?
Keep missing the events due to time confusion :l
Heya Phae, Your correct that 16:00 is 4 PM, however since all events are set for the GMT timezone that would put a 16:00 event for you at 11:00 AM eastern standard time. This is because Eastern standard time is 5 hours behind GMT.
So for example the Kalphite King mass that Mod Kalaya is having on monday says it is at 16:00 GAME TIME (UTC) which makes it at 11:00 AM for you. You can always use the clock provided in game to help you (provide you haven't turned it off) as it's the clock that these events are set to start at.
To give you hand for this weeks events I've converted them all to Eastern standard time and listed them below.
Kalphite King Mass - Monday @ 11:00 AM EST
Fight Pits - Tuesday @ 5:00 PM EST
Heist - Wednesday @ 4:30 AM EST
Cabbage Facepunch - Wednesday @ 11:30 AM ES*
Skill'n'Chill - Thursday @ 8:00 PM EST
Fish Flingers - Friday @ 6:00 AM ES*
Nex - Saturday @ 8:00 PM EST
Hope this helps Phae and I look forward to seeing you at future events.
Heist was loads of fun. I didn't realise I could hide in a tree.
, you did a really good job, I didn't even get the chance to enjoy being a robber.
, you were pretty good. This is the second time I've played and I've learned new things. I can't believe I made it all the way to round 9 before Sam turned me into a gorilla!
The events were a lot of fun. Looking forward to more.
- Mod Neena -
Community Manager