According to Mod Lee's Twitter the Vorago Mass is still happening:-
4hrs ago on twitter:
Mod Lee
Who's ready for a Vorago mass today?
01:00 Game Time / 1 AM GMT / 8 PM EST.
(This is in 4hrs 30mins)
Time: 01:00 GAME TIME (20:00 EST on Saturday 30th of Jan)
World: 37
Friends chat: Mod Lee
Lootshare (CS): ON
Meeting: Outside of the Vorago cave
It seems when Jon put up the next weeks events he forgot to keep the Vorago one listed. However I copy and pasted the events to wordpad incase something like this happened
Late edit:
Modified Information (Thank you Lee for correcting the information via Twitter lol)
Jon, You need to recheck event info
. I had the wrong information saved based on your post!! No tea for you, Lol!
Fun fun fun, I managed to survive all kills I was in despite nearly dying twice.
I hope to see more of these, perhaps on an easier rotation? Either way thanks for hosting this, it was fun challenging myself and teaching others. I'm glad players got to experience vorago even if all didn't survive.
I had lots of fun learning Vorago tonight. Managed to make it to P3 on every attempt before dying. Not a bad start for a Noob. Thanks to everyone that came.