The way to prevent the 404 error is to give the server time to reload the page completely before pressing confirm. Spamming causes the server to lock you out.
The game is the best way to change your name, but our statistics show a huge number of people have successfully changed their names via the site already!<small><center>
<img src="http://services.runescape.***/m=rswikiimages/en/2014/2/Jmod_crown-17095506.png"/><b>Mod Balance</b>
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This is crap i got 404 and only tried loading one time, and got the name is availiable for two different names, and got nothing but dead clicks when i try to confirm, i look up both adv logs and they are both on 1200-1300 total level accs, headed for the sites to sell acc names, both times now that names were released it was a cluster mess, and mods act like nothing is wrong, its upsetting and frustrating that this game still has so many redundant bugs and glitchs and ***** ups.
Also Sanctum
Is there a reason why certain names do not show up on the hiscores, but were not released? I had 4 names that I wanted to try and pick from, but none were released and t hey are all missing from the hiscores.
There are a number of reasons why a name may not be released. Note that many active players do not feature on the hiscores.
Wow, wanted a name beginning with H so expected it to be D - F and didn't get the 1 day notice because I was busy with college and this happens. This isn't even a game update and Jagex still finds a way to mess it up.
Good thing I don't play this game anymore and just come on to grief noobs and whiteknights.