This is hilarious.
You think you ACTUALLY deserve it?
Here's a not-so-brief list of all the crap you guys do that says you DON'T deserve it:
1) Overpromotion of the Squeal of Fortune and Solomon's Store.
The Squeal of Fortune never should have been implemented in the first place, and you have continuously added potential actual content to it. In addition, you keep making the crap drop from everything, which is slightly lowering efficiency of skilling and killing. You still haven't given us the option to have yelps not pop up on log-in.
Solomon's Store isn't that bad, but you still promote it frequently, and you save the best designs for it. The bigger issue with this is that you spat in every loyal players face with the Loyalty store merge; you barely gave any new items, and the items you gave had outrageous prices.
2) Bonds
Yeah, uh, you made pay-to-win so much more apparent and direct in the game.
Most everybody in the gaming community and Runescape's community does not support pay-to-win.
Plus, it goes back on your word again.
By the way, it's way too obvious that every statistic regarding gold farming you gave to try and encourage us that bonds are somehow good are false.
3) Everything is broken or dead
Every update you release has glaring issues that aren't fixed for weeks or even months.
Alternatively, they are dead content on release, or just a rework.
The wilderness is dead, too, and you guys put no effort into trying to make it better, and you guys think that adding valuable resources to the wilderness isn't the way to revive it... WHEN IT IS.
Divination doesn't have its jingle, still.
I could make a list spanning multiple posts if the list was of dead and broken content.
05-Oct-2013 14:59:37