The point of Bonds is that people can sell Bonds in game to people who have gold, most likely skilled players. Right now they are about nine million. the Gold Sink keeps the prices stabilized, and prevents merching (power buying to raise prices and then selling), while also creating a hole that sucks up money in economy (really gold is only as valuable in RS as the things you can buy with it so less gold means more buying power per gold coin. Example: my grandfather told me about a time where he could buy gum for two pieces a Penny) . This whole keeps deflation down and will get out the bot money over time. what we will see is that over time as the bots lose business, less money will flow into the RS Economy, leading to changing prices, supply/demand.
I know many people say that bots will lose business, but that it will not change anything. Don't forget that there are operation cost to everything. when they don't have enough money to keep their servers running, they have to shut them down. Finally last thing I saw: People who feel that Jagex if just doing it for the money. If that was true they could have done it from the start of Runescape! Also, does it matter? So what they get money? It is either them or some shady shell company. I don't really know where all the bots have their computers, but I remember when a Mod said something about North Korean sweatshops... Personally I'd choose Jagex because that money goes back into the game to make it better. In the end the players and the RS experience make it out better. I have never used bots before and don't have much time where I can sit down and play, so bots feel very unfair. In my opinion even if it cuts down on bots by 15% I would say that it is very effective. yes there may still be wiggle room for bots. However Bonds give us a way to support each other and make the game as a whole much more enjoyable.
p.s. sometimes people need to learn to shut up, stop complaining, and learn to think critically
30-Sep-2013 10:26:04