Before I begin (Lulz essay time), I just want to say that you two guys, especially Mod Ash, are pretty much the only developers that we actually speak to when your updates are released, and for that I thank you.
Okay, so I have two very simple questions to ask you, but first I have to explain why I'm asking this, and avoid any possible "brush it away" answers. What I'm going to be addressing is the holding position of Scimitars. The reason I'm asking a developer, and not someone from the graphics team, is that no resources from the graphics department would be required to bring to life what I'm about to ask you, considering someone from graphics wouldn't be able to help me out here.
Okay, so as you clearly know, back a year ago with the animation pack #1, scimitars were changed to this ugly vertical position that nobody likes (Ask around in-game, or hold a poll if you disagree with this). I've personally held polls in-game, and even a poll on the forums on my other account (QFC : 74-75-229-60901521) with very obvious pro-horizontal votes. The thing here is that some people at Jagex claim the change was made to prevent the tip disappearing at a certain angle. The thing that bugs me is, nobody really cares about this extremely minor bug, also, changing the holding position is more of a "Put a band-aid on a tumor" type of thing.
To get to the point, I want to know if it would be possible to, through say the melee tutor, have the option to change the holding position of your scimitar from the current position, to the position of the chaotic longsword (The natural arm position). I believe this update would make a massive amount of players happy. Is this possible, and if it is, would you do it, and if not, why?
I apologize for the long read, but please bare with me, I've been trying to get this through for a very long time, this update would make I and MANY others so very happy. (=
Oh, and I don't mind the slashing animation twitch, incase you were to mention that.
23-Jul-2010 21:01:57