Hello id just like to ask a few questions:
1) id like to know if there is any posibility that our players could be majhaarat? Since we all know our players our powerfull. Since in the quest while guthix sleeps the guthix elemental states that he has known our player for a very long time and stuff. is it also possible that our players could be half mahjaraat and half human?
2) do you guys think that you will ever add a ******** to enter the poh(not on construction mode) i have lots of cool coustumes, and wouldn't want a hacker to hack my account, and steel them from the coustume room.
3)As we all know zaros was impaled by the staff of armadyl, in which he lost most if not all his power. Do you think you might release a quest in which we might be able to play as zaros, or do zaros' work, by helping him steal the staff of armadyl and the stone of jas from lucien, to help him gain the powers he lost.
4)when will you guys implement voices into the game?
5) don't you think its about time for gnomes to get their chat heads reworked as there fellow other races faires, and dwarves?
6) When will trees get an update?
7) And my last and most important question: i remember i was talking to mod stevew once, and i asked him what mod mmg was doing in real life and he responded, "he is pking irl". so my main question comes to: how often does mod mmg pk irl? lol
23-Jul-2010 21:10:48