First off, I'm a big fan of quest storylines. Some players are only in it for the rewards, but my favorite quests are always the ones with good or entertaining, stories and characters. And yours are among the best.
Mod Ash -- I always thought the Wise Old Man was one of the most interesting characters in Rs. He's not just your 'stock character' seen in so many other fantasy adventures. He's also a retired adventurer who seems to share some of the more materialistic qualities associated with RuneScapers. Add to it his attempting to deny the existance of other gods besides the Saradomin/Guthix/Zamorak trio, and you've got one of the more complex characters out there. How much of the Wise Old Man's personality and story did you have in mind when you introduced him?
Mod John A -- The Dorgeshuun quest series is among my favorites, with likeable protagonists (Zanik), memorable antagonists (Sigmund, Bandos), and good supporting characters (Oldak, Grubfoot). I could go on about it all day, but I have a few questions. First off, Juna seems to have a very strange interpretation of Guthix's will. Wouldn't Guthix be against Bandos' use of an avatar? After all, he forbid the gods from direct intervention in the world at the end of the God Wars. Isn't the whole 'Bandos amulet' thing Bandos' way of trying to do an end run around the Guthixian edicts? So shouldn't Guthix approve of us opposing Bandos? If you ask me, Bandos was threatening to unbalance things.
Anyway, I loved the whole series, and Chosen Commander was great. You definately saved the best for last.
Question for both of you: Did you both co-write the Wise Old Man's conversation with Zanik?
I have more questions, but I don't think you'll be able to answer them all.
23-Jul-2010 21:02:46