
Lore Campfire - Answers Thread is locked

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Mod Raven

Mod Raven

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How will the penguins react to the god's return to Gielinor? Was this all part of their plans for world domination?

It'll certainly throw a spaniel* in their works, definitely.

But I ask you this. The gods returning means that there are new sources of tremendous power in the world and potential new allies for the penguins to exploit. I think they'd definitely be interested in taking advantage of the new opportunities presented to them.

= Raven =

*Far worse than a spanner in their works.

27-Jun-2013 20:28:21

Mod John A

Mod John A

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Mod John A: Any more words on the dwarf finale? You made a suggestion topic and a lot of us want you to keep us up-to-date. Any news? Pink dragons? :D

Current status: Mod Osborne has approved the basic quest outline, so I'm currently writing it up into a full design document. I'm trying to wrap up as many plot threads from previous quests as I can, and put in appearances from lots of minor dwarf NPCs, but it's going to be impossible to cover everything. Pink dragons - maybe, but it would be a reference in dialogue rather than some kind of pink dragon boss fight.

27-Jun-2013 20:28:48

Mod Osborne

Mod Osborne

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Ok, I'll keep it as short and sweet as possible! (and hopefully ask questions that are already being asked.)
1. How will the aftermath of the World Wakes change King Roald and the kingdom in their constant vigilance against the Wilderness, and Morytania? Will there be a quest to cover this?
2. Will we ever help the Dragonkin? (Not just meaning in the destruction of places, but in possibly freeing them from their rage, or at least learning more about them without being burned to death =P )
3. Could you possibly give us one more juicy hint/spoiler for Missing, Presumed Death?
(oh, and is that planned to come before or after the delicious sounding Bacon quest?)

1. He would have to change his approach to Morytania, in my opinion. More of that in future story.
2. Fantastic question. Anyone who has read the QBD lore will know of a dragonkin that could receive the player's help...
3. A juicy hint? Okay, it will also feature an elf...

27-Jun-2013 20:29:07

Mod John A

Mod John A

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It has been hinted that the new Dwarven quest will give us combat gear as a reward.. Will this possibly have anything to do with the Artisan's Workshop or even the Lava Flow mine?

We're planning something with the lava flow mine. Actually I hadn't thought of linking the quest with the Artisan's Workshop - I'll have a think about whether that's possible at this stage. Hmm...

27-Jun-2013 20:30:57

Mod Raven

Mod Raven

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Will the upcoming Divination skill be very much like Arianne's ability to see the possible future?

You're asking if the skill will give you actual precognitive powers...for a game that works in real time? Afraid not, I can confirm that if we develop the ability to predict the future at least a few of us will attempt to take over the world. ;)

= Raven =

27-Jun-2013 20:31:01

Mod Osborne

Mod Osborne

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Hi guys! There are millions of questions that I want to ask, but I've narrowed it down to 8(ish...):

1. I find the idea of godhood tiers and the power that each god has quite interesting. Can you give any information about the tiers of the younger gods of Gielinor? (in particular Saradomin, Zamorak, Bandos and Armadyl, but also Tumeken, Elidinis, Marimbo, Seren and even the Karamjan or Fremennik deities)

2. Is the Freneskae Creator-God one of the three Elder Gods seen in the Origins of Gielinor video? And what is its real name and/or gender?

3. Did Zamorak use the Stone of Jas to ascend to full godhood or did he only acquire it shortly before his destruction of Forinthry? If he had it at the start of the Third Age then how did Saradomin acquire it?

4. Was Guthix responsible for the creation of any of the plant/animal life on Gielinor or just for bringing races to it?

5. What is the relationship between the Void and the Abyss? They both seem to sit between universes.

6. Can we expect to see Mourning's Ends Part 3/the Tirannwn task diary in 2014? I've heard rumours that it won't be released while the Java client is supported.

7. Is the dragonkin on Fossil Island one that we've heard of or not?

8. When do I get to lay my eyes on the camel god, and if he wasn't created in Tumeken's dream then who is he?

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions!

P.S. Mod Osborne, if you could get round to convincing Mod Mark that it's quite hard to get up and teleport away if you're already dead and work out how Nomad is going to save us all from the dragonkin that would be grand.

Some absolutely cracking questions there. Really fantastic - I'll try to answer as many as I can:

1. I'm still planning to put the tiers up on the website. Hopefully you'll see that soon - sorry for not getting that done yet.
2. It's not one of the three, but you are correct -- it is an Elder God.
3. Zamorak became a god piece by piece. Stone, Staff, Zaros. Zamorak only gained the stone momentarily in the God Wars.
4. He just brought races to it. Some Guthixian followers believe he created life, but he did not. Younger gods are not capable of creating full sentient life.
5. The Void eats matter like a parasite, the Abyss sits between planets as a magical buffer (there's more to it than that, but I'm trying to be swift!).

27-Jun-2013 20:34:21

Mod John A

Mod John A

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Why is Gielinor an anagram of religion?

That is genuinely a coincidence that none of us had spotted until you pointed it out!

27-Jun-2013 20:35:40

Mod Osborne

Mod Osborne

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1. Will we in the future be able to replay quests we have already done without creating new accounts?

I'm sure most of us players have at least one quest that they think "This was awesome! I wanna do it again!" and by being given the chance to replay quests, we could re-experience the lore and our favorite moments again

P.s. I just love the Mahjarrat and God storylines, totally Awesome :D

This is a subject close to my heart. The problem is that, technically, the quests weren't built to be replayed, and quests within quest lines would be very difficult to allow a player to replay. If we did replaying it would likely not be retroactively. That said, I am a fan of replaying (see the sagas) and I have received ideas for how it might be possible with future quests.

27-Jun-2013 20:36:26

Mod Raven

Mod Raven

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1. Is it possible Sliske will ever see us as a 'friend'?
Like someone to hang around with and pull shenanigans on gods and stuff. I think this would be very neat, since Sliske is a cool guy.

I'm not really sure that Sliske really has friends, but personally I think he already kind of thinks of the player like that. The question is whether or not being considered his friend is really a good thing. ;)

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2. Why was Tuska introduced? What is the poor pig's function?

Tuska highlights that being a god doesn't necessarily mean you are wise and learned, Tuska represents power unchained and unrestrained by intellect or morality. A beast of unimaginable power.

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3. Any slight hint on elder artefacts? A random clue to spend months on? Anything at all?

Each artefact has a function, that function may not be what it's been used for by the gods. Hope that's vague enough for you. :)

= Raven =

27-Jun-2013 20:38:03

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