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In The quest with Arianne we see that the demon serving Zamorak seeks her.. and the player's.. blood in order to bind her and him into a pact serving Zamorak.
From this, would you say that Zamorak is much like Sliske, in at least that they both have means to enslave followers? (Sliske has Barrows Brothers) - And that they also both killed a prominent God with the same weapon to gain power?
(and in that they both probably don't care about anything but themselves)
The demon in the Wizards' Tower is sided with Zamorak but is a mostly independent entity, and is probably out for its own advancement rather than its god's. The drop of blood is meant as a pledge of allegiance rather than as a means of magical enslavement. Exactly why the demon wants the drops of blood, or what its plans are, are up in the air - it's a potential plot thread for us to use someday if we want to, or leave hanging if we don't.
27-Jun-2013 20:21:35