"Is this midnight between Saturday and Sunday (which is actually 12am on SUNDAY) or is this midnight between Friday and Saturday (already gone)?"
-Insane Vane
This is midnight tonight between Saturday and Sunday.
-Mod Sushi_Pi
Community Management
[post link]
"Events" such as these needs a warning that the prizes will be next to none for a group of people that is also next to none. I am sure many of us had other things we could have been doing then sitting around and being let down.
Hi Grim Chaos5,
Many players came to these events just to celebrate 12 years of RuneScape as a great milestone and had a lot of fun. I think it was nice to throw in some extra rewards and make it a challenge rather than a massive give-away. It is also clearly stated at the first page of this thread: "During the parties Sushi Pi, Phoenix and Sabre will post special anniversary codes into the public chat and the first to redeem these with Diango will find 200 RuneCoins on their account!""
firstly, it's great to see this company only responds to positive/semi-positive feedback, and makes "ragers" (who, in essence are really dissatisfied customers of your company, some for a VERY long time in fact, as "villains"
disappear when you simply cannot handle their criticism. it sticks out like a sore thumb.
one hint: when a customer is ticked off, you don't tell them to shut up. in the real world, you'd be unemployed right now for it. there were no threats of harm, or anything even really illegal besides context you simply couldn't stomach. in that case, you hand it off to a superior who can actually deal with the matter cool-headedly. if you can afford stupid dress up parties which only make jagex seem childish and self flaunting, u can afford more customer interaction/satisfaction teams.
secondly, there's no point handing out codes that only work for a handful of people, rather than EVERYONE be granted the 200 runecoins simply for putting up with Jagex's failed logic with updates, priority of updates, etc etc. yes, we all came to lagged out, spam, cannon parties where we can't even COMMUNICATE with the mods that DID show up and DID communicate. considering even Mod Sushi himself was "lag-bagged" right out.
three: most of those codes were already invalid before you could get to diango because of the mass lag, which hit at LEAST 90% of those who DID show up. 200 runecoins is nothing, if Jagex is seriously that greedy, then perhaps it's time to reflect long and hard in a mirror and ask yourselves, what are we doing? are you loyal to your fans who have even garnered your company attention and fame in the first place? or your obviously corrupt investors? not our problem you have money issues, nor should we have to take the brunt for it. WE are customers, NOT cattle.
four: when i say "priority of updates"...why add 90 lvl x2 melee weaponry when you haven't even finished the weaponry table in dungeoneering? so many left out spaces.
"oh players you don't need a chaotic wand virtus wand takes that place blah blah". enough laziness, jagex. you know bloody well that there should have been at least ONE of EACH type of weapon in game, tabled to dungeoneering to make it so then BALANCE in game is actually achieved. and actually make 120 dungeoneering even worth it (considering the lag u gotta fight to boot**
**: rune warhammers are the ONLY reasonable useable x2 warhammers in game. the only maces in game even worth having are dragon maces, and drygores. where is the balance? do you seriously think you can stuff a whopping 30 level difference between these types of weaponry down our throats and expect no recoil from the fans? or do you rely on the average being naive enough to not notice? there are no chaotic greatswords, no high levelled "thrown" weaponry, no chaotic bows, no chaotic spears, no chaotic battleaxes, daggers, defenders...need i really say more about the lack of thought put behind these updates?
seriously, think for once. stop selling premier membership because honestly, i barely even want to pay for 1 month cards for a game where you can get better customer satisfaction out of a bum washing your car windows
what if the customer "aka: player" wants to use maces which his time allows him/her to use? do you think because you own the rights to the game that you own the rights to our time? no, you don't. a company is meant to cater to the needs of the player not to themselves and their investors, this type of corrupt mindset is rather chilling to the bone and unbecoming of Jagex as a whole. so, your whole battleplan is to milk the players for money but forget the fact that you, jagex, are supposed to meet OUR demands, not us meet yours. adding items that are well far away from a player's ability to even gain use of, to me and to many others, is NOT fixing any problem, it only impacts it considering the amount of methods of making money in game for said objects, is dismal at its finest moments. THAT is another subject that JAGEX and JAGEX ALONE has even addressed. but of course, you'd rather see gambling clans which real life criminals now often exploit for real life cash (which, is also published in certain news outlets around the world eg: austrailia). yet you keep gambling as a whole legal. big no no.
why is level 90 melee weapons given precedence over FINISHING work you even have yet to plan, yet implement. this includes servers, you had no right or business adding all these so-called fancy updates, before you actually correct the very bones and blood to your game (aka: servers). when your customers have been crying wildly for years to FIX THEM. as i have said also, what business do you have running around in public doing stunts in stage props, before you actually do some good for the customer as you are PAID to do, paid very well for that matter. if you don't believe that, try working vent cleaning for cheap cash and tell me your job sucks
l2don'tbegreedy #growup. your fanbase as a whole doesn't keep you employed so you can give yourselves pats on the back for a job NOT well done.
that is your reality, it is time to check yourselves before you wreck yourselves.