Not to offend anyone..But that first chapter sounded mediocre at best. (Not trolling or flaming just stating my own personal opinion that is based off of the fact that I read a lot of books)
What do you base your stories off of? Sure there's RuneScape but that's not necessarily where you get all of your ideas now is it so, tell us (me) where do you get the ideas (Not including RS) that you incorporate into your stories (books/novels/prose/etc)
Just wondering because everyone gets ideas from somewhere and from a multitude of sources (Not just RS)
I really enjoyed reading your novel I knew someone would step up to the mantle of creating a Runescape based novel one day, and it was a fantastic read.
My question is: Are you a comic book fan, and do you think some of that amazing artwork from the front cover could ever feature as the first ever Runescape comic? you could even do a comic about the J-Mods! giving us a cool but comical insight to the Inner workings...hmmmm *spooky eyes*
on a final note, do you fancy adding me ingame? I could totally beat you at the duel arena! mwuahaha!
Hello T.S Church! Are you planning to release the Part 2 of the story soon? I noticed the Roman Numeral "1" on the book spine when I purchased it. What made you want to write about RuneScape? Are you as of a die-hard fan of this game as me?
Thank you for your time!
Hi Mr.Church and the Community Management team.
First of all, may i say i love your use of writer's craft, truly a novel to be read by all generations!
Here are a few questions i would love for you to answer, if you get the time
Note : Feel free to answer whatever question you wish, any response is one worth reflecting upon, thanks
1) How do you feel about Falador, the noble city of the White Knights?
2) Considering the massive success of this Runescape-inspired novel, will there be any future tales of Gielinor?
3) Would you have ever taken a look at the Stories Forums for any ideas? Or will you in future?
4) Would you consider Falador to project an emotional praise in anybody who enters? Being the most noble an prestigious city in Gielinor, it has certain aspects that contribute to a specific mood, what would you consider that mood to be?
Much thanks for reading, and for answering if you do
From what i have seen in the first chapter, it would most certainly be a great pleasure to read on, truly a masterpiece!
Desires Loss.
and Proud
13-Oct-2010 21:01:24
- Last edited on
13-Oct-2010 21:04:28
Cake Thief
I have no intention of winning this price for best question, because of what's in the question, so I'll just ask a stupid one. Question that is.
Is the book going to be translated in to other languages any time soon (such as Dutch =P )?
And if it's not, would anyone who'd make a translation of it stand a chance of his translation being sold throughout his country so his work would not be in vein (yes, I have a lot of free time, that's why I play RuneScape)?
I know writing is a difficult and sometimes daunting task, especially when you HAVE to do it, whether as a job or school assignment. I know I can only produce my best works/essays when I've been deeply moved or inspired. And that rare phenomenon is difficult to reproduce.
So what I mean to ask is: Is there something or someone that drives you to keep going and writing (other than money, of course
)? What got you through this book (Betrayal at Falador)?
Hey Jagex I love the book and im waiting for the sequal
(Great Job on the book church,i was on the edge of my seat the first time, and after 3 re-reads, its still fun
so my question is obvious
Can I Haz spoilerz?
Squishy the banana says IT'S PENUT BUTTA JELLY TIME!!!
Mr. Church, I happen to be an aspiring writer myself. In fact, I have already written a book, but every agent I send my novel too gets rejects my work. How long did it take you to find an Agent?
Also, a couple of other minor questions:
1) Are you planning on making a sequel?
2) Have you ever met Mod Mark Gerhard? (MMG?)
3) I noticed that comment on the back by the famed player Zezima. Have you really met with Zezima?
2) Do you think you could write about the Falador Massacre? With your writing skills I'm sure that you'll make it a best seller!