So many people are up in arms that people need to actually do something to win. i laugh at you, seriously, jagex is offering prizes to the top winners, it only makes sense that they award people who put alot of effort forth. They dont just hand out lifetime membership to people who dont show they deserve it.
and for people who are complaining about the number of accounts being bots/discontinued accounts, WHO CARES. The point is since the creation nearly 200million accounts have been created, to what means is irrelevant.
Personally most people who play today didnt not play when RS originally was created, so if it were up to me none of you people would be eligable for such a competition. Even myself, ive played for over 9 years, i realize that i dont even have the full history of runescape. Yet all jagex is asking is for a well formed explaination to their set of questions for a very reasonable reward.
remember.... its a competition, there can only be a limited amount of winners, the rest lose.
19-Jun-2012 19:02:14