Nice! My favorite is the - Classified Ads, although I think they should be made by JaGeX. Like:
(name of the pub in Shilo)
Now come and sleep at the (name) we offer high quality beds for a friendly price! or have a drink with your friends!
I would read a Weekly newsletter as long as it was short. Obviously I go on forums whilst skilling in game etc and do not want to be reading something for a while.
I like the idea of a newsletter and wouldn't mind Jagex putting a trial run on it
<karlito's thoughts>
Epic idea, but please please please make it an ingame item
! As others have suggested, if it was added to the newspaper sold in Varrok it would make a huge difference! If not, at least update that newspaper occasionly, its like 2 years old! Varrok had a makeover yeears ago
</karlito's thoughts>