Is this just following the pattern of clans from the begining? If not then the clan ROT(Reign of Terror) has been the number one pking clan from the start of "pvp" and is still now. After fighting RSD(runescape dynasty) for a year to two years they were proven dominate over them, shortly after RSD crashed, leave only the rune-pure/range tank clan HF(Higher Force) to fight them, having the same amount if not more members they played strong fights, usually crashed by smaller clans such as brutality, welfare's, jaja, and many other smaller ones, but they didn't last more then a few minutes leaving the clans to continue warring. As HF was a rune-pure/range tank clan ROT came out to still be in the number one slot, if this topic isn't what I though it was, weeee Fu. Typing =P
12-Apr-2011 04:25:36