Sweet, I'll be trying the best I can to get a ticket; I have always wanted to go to Jagex. I think it's awesome you guys are doing this. Best of luck to everyone!
"Come on, Charlie! Hold on to that ticket! Run for it, Charlie! Run straight home and don't stop 'til you get there!"
When will the visit for the 24 ticket holders be anyway? It'd *really* suck if it were during the week of finals or something really important or something
I'd love to win a ticket. However, i don't use the forums often (just realized that F2P people with 12.5m can post, got worried that i didn't have enough, then checked the high scores to be surprised by over 17m exp; by the way, kudos for implementing that) but i do maintain a small (4 people in game, 1 mod out of as of now) clan. Another thing: When i was younger and dumber i got a black mark for accidentally doing something stupid, so i doubt that i'll even have a chance. That is unless your likelihood goes up by playing longer. Then i'm almost a shoe in
I'm looking forward to that story competition!
I hope I can get a big ticket somehow! (im not much of a machinama person dunno how to make vids) It's a good chance for me to go meet the Jagex crew as well as lifetime membership!
Me and my friends argue constantly over which mmorpg is "the best" as I am the only Rune Scaper among us, I would like to say. Thank You Jagex for one more reason to be a loyal member. And I'm soo gonna rub this contest in all my friends faces. lol lets see thier games do this for them. AAAhahaha! U guys rock! Keep up the creative ideas!