Thank you Mod Hohbein,
We saw your message just now, so all is good! I will get Obby7 to give you a reply in a bit with a couple of questions I think he has.
One thing I was just thinking is that there should be an item that comes with being a Life Member that only they can own and what came to my mind was a Red Beret. I would also think that if they wanted to "lend" such an item, they should be able too under normal logout or 1-24 hour trade rules, since lending it would let other players enjoy a unique look.
The beret look is well known. A red beret would look good in dragon armour, and be that little bit different from a santa to certainly catch the eye. (How else will the average player be able to spot the big ticket winners?)
Thanks again!
(Oh, one thing Obby7 wanted to suggest - a "paintball" style mini-game, which sounds cool to me.)
13-Jul-2010 10:58:21