Left: I don't quite understand.... you want ALL the noobs gone?
Right: Yes.. im afraid so, what with all the boasting of what post they are in threads and such.
Mod Markg: I think we should change the cat photo he owns a Santa hat yet he has rune scimitar and shield an emerald amulet just clashes with his outfit.
Mod Zach: Your just jealous because he would pk you with his ninja cat moves
Mod Markg: Never happen im just to good
===short cut scene ======
(where the cat appears out of know wear in santa and rune an beats Mod markq who has full torva and divine on )
Mod Zach: how did he beat you man he doesn't even have opposable thumbs
Mod Markg: i don't know i lost my divine as well (sobbing)
caption 1:
guy on left: "i see you have a picture of your wife, she's well...err...hairy"
guy on right: "what did you say about my wife?"
caption 2:
guy on right: "whats with the picture?"
guy on left: "well my rune scimi isn't very big, if you get what i mean"
guy on left: "the picture stops me thinking about it"
guy on right: "how big is it?"
guy on left: "it's this big" (hand gesture).
20-Dec-2011 19:21:26
- Last edited on
20-Dec-2011 19:24:49
2 Tails 2
(on the right)
"So he actually LIKED the cabbage?"
"Yeah, I couldn't believe it either. Guess we should get coal instead of cabbage."
Balance in all things.
20-Dec-2011 20:59:45
- Last edited on
20-Dec-2011 21:00:00