As Mod Markg prepares to pwn Mod Zach with the idea of a Christmas event he just wrote up he fails to realize that he never opened his package of notebook paper..
Mod Markg: Listen, When Mod Crow isn't watching we'll put all of these goodies into my bag and slowly walk out like it never happend!
Mod Zach: You know... I like your plan and all, but wont we get caught? They do check our bags when we leave you know..
Mod Markg: Hmm... A single flaw in what could have been a EPIC plan, we must think of another way to smuggle these goodies out of the HQ.
Mod Zach: Oh, I got an exellent idea!
Mod Markg: Please share your thoughts.
Mod Zach: We wait untill the guards go on there coffee break and we can just walk on out of here!
Mod Markg: Exellent plan! Lets wait in the lobby untill they go on there break! then we can smuggle them out. What would i do with out you Zach.
Mod Zach: Thank you, Your to kind.
~6 Hours later while sitting in the lobby bored out of there minds they come to see that guards dont ever have coffee breaks!~
*They Sigh* Return the goodies back to where they got them and went home in defeat.
Mod Markg is confused and is telling Mod Zach about it.
Mod Markg: How did this cat get a santa hat when it took me ages to get mine! And how is it able to even hold a scimitar without thumbs?!
Person on the left: explain to me why we are wearing santa hats again?
Person on the right: don't you remember? we lost a bet?
Person on the left: What was the bet?
Person on the right: The looser of a match in pvp would wear a santa hat.
Person on the left: wait. then why are we both wearing hats?
Person on the right: we both had infinite health.......