"You better write this down, the last person who didn't bought a Water staff to Runefest instead of water for all the staff."
"Hah! I just beat you at Tic Tac Toe
"What?! This cannot be! Give me that."
"It's easy. All you have to do is give me all your money, and then I'll double it!"
((I'm the same person that commented something along those lines on the Facebook picture of this. Not a copycat!))
"It's first now I know why players call santa hats for rare. There's too much junk coming out of the Christmas Crackers."
"I hope other mods don't see the presents."
Do I see two santa helpers?
After the hard work of making presents, they finally thought more on who will they get presents from, or will they get presents?
16-Dec-2011 16:07:04
- Last edited on
16-Dec-2011 16:11:54
Just Do lt
"Wait I thought you said these candies were stackable?!? There is no way we can carry all of this to Jad.... He is going to be so angry with us."
"I thought I told you Rock Candy for the Tzhaar's stocking? All this chocolate is just going to melt!" "That's ok we will just tell them we made chocolate soup!"
"Now I thought of a genius joke! Write this down: How many Zamorakians are needed to change this lightbulb?"
"How many?"
"Two! One to hold it, and one to INSERT DOOM AND CHAOS!"
"Right, watt. That's what I meant.'
Rule 14.
"Scabaras' followers are deep thinkers, coming to conclusions tempered by lack of distractions. If you wish for a life of study, you can do no better than to follow his ways."