Eggg Timer, I can see your rather frustrated and mad. We all been there over something I think.
But how about getting the issue into a feasible and fair format, and posting on the appropriate threads? It could be a game suggestion, etc.
Also, if something is broke you feel, please use the bug report query system on home page pull downs so the proper department can look into it ok?
Good luck.
~ Mrs ~
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.
I don't what I'm more mad about...the fact that they are removing F2P from the highscores or that I haven't been able to do my WTZ this month!
Like come on!! I wanna see if I won the quiz quest! Plz jagex my good friends get the letter out soon!
Think before posting, and if you can't think then don't post.
I have a logical explanation of why the newsletter has not yet been released:
When Mod Jon H announced the newsletter would be a few days late he went in the Doctor's Tardis. For us, 3 weeks have passed. For him and the Doctor, only a day...