@mastergammer the fact that its also impossible to flash that fast as to make 1 pray last an infinite amount of time without use of an autos-witching program of sorts, as for the Nex kill that was a glitch he's admitted too and the corporeal beast kill without pray was also a glitch (The same as the rapid renewal invincible glitch at nex except with soul split).
@Hybridgemeni I couldn't agree with you more, like woopy doo they gave him player mod status but he deserves so much more recognition for what he did. even today his friends chat is still packed out and you still see countless players named Zezima(instertrandomnumbers), and still there's people equally as good as Woox he's not "the best" Pvm-er there are people equally if not better than him, there are people who've done the same things as Woox at lower combats, in lower tier gear, with lower tier weapons.
03-Nov-2011 14:22:52