i would like to state that no one can solo Jad like woox has with 1 prayer. not because no one is as 1337 but simply because they changed prayer after he did it...
Uploaded by Wooox16 on Jun 20, 2011
~Date he uploaded the Jad Solo~
"On 6 September 2011, an update was made that multiplied the total number of Prayer points by 10, matching the format used by Lifepoints. While this has minimal impact on gameplay, it allows Jagex to release more Prayer updates in the future. "
last i checked no one could flash pray like that any more.
Now im not saying he isnt good, he is great.
Just, most of his accomplishments are before you change other things... meaning he is the greatest because he is the only one whom did it before an update?
ok... either way i hope to see how far he goes before you update this too -.-
03-Nov-2011 14:14:12