I would like to have known about the thread for submitting a name sooner, but I didn't find it until it was locked so I didn't get to submit a name.
The name according to the description is supposed to be synonymous with the fear of being along at sea, but to me most of the names presented in the poll don't seem to fit that description.
Regardless if the name would be good for a seamonster, and some of them are good for seamonster names, in my opinion if the name doesn't fit the description it shouldn't be in the poll. The names netripper or crackjaw work as a name for a seamonster, but wouldn't work in my opinion as a word synonymous with being alone at sea.
I also thought the name should seem ancient, and most of the names presented do not seem ancient to me.
If I had gotten to submit a name, I would have suggested a name like "Doldrums" or "The calm".
These are names sailors might fear, and could be synonymous with the fear of being alone at sea.
How is "The calm" something to fear? Ever heard of the calm before the storm? It is something that comes before potential devastation, and which any sailor might fear.
Doldrums are also feared by sailors. Many sailors have become trapped at sea when there was no wind and no current, so their ships couldn't move without oars. Doldrums describe a condition of no wind or current, and could be synonymous with the fear being alone at sea.
I ended up choosing "Seagorger", and as a second choice I might have picked "Thalassus", although I don't know what it means if anything. I would have liked to have known the definition if it has one, as it may have helped me in deciding what name to pick.
I might have liked to have a larger list of names to pick from, then narrow it down through a series of polls.
Gratz to whoever submitted the name that wins.
21-May-2011 01:05:08