How about a petition on this Jagex? just like the free trade/wildy one. Make people vote Yes/No/Don't care and see the 7% of people who actually support your idea, over the 43% don't care and 50% yes...
It's shocking to see you're making this kind of big decisions without asking your customers what they think about it. You've promised us time and time again that you would listen to your customers, yet merely at times you actually follow up on your words. Putting MMG in the position of CEO of the company, someone who plays (or at least played) the game, and knows about the community within. Putting up a referendum for the return of free trade and wilderness also is an example for all this.
However, moreoften you seem to make big decisions which influence the community, your customers, in a big way, without asking our oppinion about it.
When will you (or at least your new board of directors) start realising WE, the customers, are a big part of YOUR paycheck. People will continue to play RS until the end, for sure, so you dont need to be scared of that, but we also prefer to keep playing as long as possible. If you keep shutting us out from such decisions, more and more people will leave this game until you're below the break-even point and therefore will be required to shut it down. We want to help you improve the game, but we can't because you don't seem to listen. If we offer a little bit of critique, we either get ignored or sometimes even worse.
The community you created mainly wants the best to happen with the game, but more and more it starts looking towards a Jagex vs Community battle, simply because there is no cooperation other than having a few pmods & fmods. We get bits and pieces of info, but that's it.
Please Jagex, I will ask it once again, as many did before me. LISTEN. Listen also to us, because your product only works as long as we see it fit.
07-Jul-2011 13:48:06