I re-post here what I said in molehole's thread:
It's obvious that JaGex has lost the interest on trying to bring in more people from different countries that where english can only be learned through a very good education, like the spanish countries.
I am a spanish speaker from the Mexican border, that's the only reason I can speak and write english fluently. I strongly support this petition.
I still don't understand why you would destroy the only place where the finnish, spanish, polish, swedish, danish and norwegian communities can gather and act like a united group.
Is like returning 4 years in the past. When I joined the game and there was only english and a small german forum. Sure there are more now, but back then there was only forums for the only translated languages. And now we are returning there, with the only exception of the lucky dutch.
This clearly is proof that if JaGex is going to translate another languages, then the most obvious choice will be dutch, since it's the biggest community they know of that doesn't have a translation.
Forget that thing of the "more united community" by doing this you are making us blend with the rest, losing our unique identity, the language that unites us in this game, and only that, this instead of uniting the community, is more like forcing us to post here, like we are doing right now, and a lot of people will stop playing the game or cancel the membership because of this as a protest, like if something like this wasn't going to cause heavy losses on the number of countries were they primarily speak of those languages.
It's just too sad to see that JaGex is commiting a big mistake, and that, like when the Wilderness and Free Trade got removed. I only hope that they see finally see what this bad decision can do and they pull back, and if they do after the update, then hope they at least try to fix this.
This is a message from a RuneScape Player of Mexico that has been deceptioned by JaGex.
08-Jul-2011 00:05:38