Oh, babes...
*Ellen, the resident Ladyjarrat, comes in and sits in her chair, pulling out her pipe and smoking from it sagely as she puffs smoke from it in a sagely manner.*
My hostage, the lovely prince, who was actually /very/ lovely through the whole ordeal that my character put him through, didn't wish to die. Now, if somebody so much as TOUCHED my character, she would have killed him. So, it makes sense for, y'know, nobody to stabby-stab at her. Also... Nobody got distracted by the DAGGANOTH in the castle? Guys, c'mon now. You're trained soldiers, but... Some things are scarier then a 13-year-old girl with a knife, even if she has a knife to your Princes's throat. Like, monsters.
For that reason, I made the executive decision to teleport away, with my willing hostage in tow.
It was, of course, a pleasure Role Playing with all you lot. <33
*Blows smoke rings from her pipe.*
~*Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!*~
27-Feb-2012 06:50:44