
—(••÷[State of Tirannwn]÷••)— Thread is locked

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Apr Member 2010


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—(••÷[ State of Tirannwn ]÷••)—

By Her Glorious Council of Elders of Prifddinas,

A Proclamation,

For the creation of a Assembly to govern all Tirannwn.

“By decree of the most honorable Elven Council of Elders, on the behalf of our beloved Queen of Harmony, that the elven lands of Tirannwn and her enclaves beyond shall be granted with a new legislative body. This new body, hereby named the Great Assembly of Tirannwn , is hereby charged by the Council of Elders to ensure the stable governance and peace within Prifddinas, Tirannwn, and all further elven domain.

This Assembly shall be open to all eleves of age within the land that be bound to one of the eight clans. Without election, hindrance or undue process, they are hereby granted the right to propose legislation, freely debate, and vote.

To aid in the swift organization of legislative acts, those eligible to debate shall vote to elect an Chancellor of Tirannwn . They are to be charged with the smooth, unimpeded operation of democracy, and are hereby granted certain executive powers over taxation, military, foreign affairs, and other areas of governance as deemed necessary in their duties. The Chancellor shall serve so long as they are willing, able, and have the popular support of the Assembly and the Council of Elders.

Finally, It is hereby declared that the duty of defense of Prifddinas, Tirannwn and all further elven domain, shall no longer be the exclusive franchise of clan Cadarn. All peoples of age, race, sound mind and body, shall have the right to enlist in the newly-formed ‘ Gwarchod ’ armed forces. Those within their ranks shall serve to ensure the peace and enforce the authority of the Great Assembly.”

May the Queen of Harmony shine forever!
Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:38:07

Apr Member 2010


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—(••÷[ Table of Contents ]÷••)—

1.1 Proclamation
1.2 Table of Contents
1.3 Short Introduction
1.4 General Information
1.5 Territories of the State of Tirannwn
1.6 Assembly of Tirannwn [Pt.1]
1.7 Assembly of Tirannwn [Pt. 2]
1.8 Assembly Census
1.9 Gwarchod (Armed Forces)
1.10 Current Gwarchod Enlistment

2.1 Cytir Raith (The Common Law)
2.2 Elven Criminal Code (Capital Felonies)
2.3 Elven Criminal Code (Felonies)
2.4 Elven Criminal Code (Misdemeanours)
2.5 Elven Criminal Code (Petty Offences)
2.6 Trial by Assembly
2.7 Wanted by the State
2.8 Diplomatic Relations
2.9 Application System
2.10 Official Events

3.1 Helpful OOC Articles
3.2 Reserved
3.3 Reserved
3.4 Reserved
3.5 Reserved
3.6 Reserved
3.7 Reserved
3.8 Reserved
3.9 Reserved
3.10 Reserved

4.1 Special Thanks

Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:39:57 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2018 12:46:21 by Void

Apr Member 2010


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—(••÷[ Short Introduction ]÷••)—

Welcome to the State of Tirannwn, a group dedicated to text-based roleplay in the region of the same name in RuneScape lore. Founded by Void, an administrator of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki no less, the State plays host to open roleplay across all the lands considered elven and beyond.

Whether you prefer in the consolidated power of POK’s, the tranquility of Hubs, or the freedom of Freelance, you are welcome to roleplay here!
Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:40:02 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2018 00:00:29 by Void

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 400 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
—(••÷[ General Information]÷••)—

Role-Play Type: PoK, Magic, Military, Political, Adventure
Leaders Out of Character : Void
Leaders In Character: Chancellor of Tirannwn (Cynfor Elis of Clan Meilyr).
Admins: Void, Ptolemy Dean
Clan Chat: TBC
Discord: Click Here

OOC Rules

- Be Respectful
- Don't lie to fellow clan members about RP
- Don't be a ****
- Respect Admins
- See to a leader/admin about IC/OOC issues
- Follow all of Jagex's rules

IC Rules

- Avoid destroying RP
- Don't be OP
- No Godmod under any circumstances unless solely for plot
- No metagame
Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:40:08 - Last edited on 09-Dec-2018 21:31:04 by Void

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 400 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
—(••÷[ Territories of the State of Tirannwn ]÷••)—

The capital of Tirannwn and all elvenkind. As the seat of power for the Elven Council of Elders and Seren herself, the Great Assembly of Tirannwn has limited authority over her governance.

Despite this, the Assembly of Tirannwn has administration offices and Gwarchod recruiters in the Iorwerth section of the city.

Once home to the rebel elves during the Elven Civil War, Lletra has since been granted a full town charter and made the headquarters for the Great Assembly of Tirannwn. It is also home to the official residence of the Chancellor of Tirannwn.

Tyras Camp
Established during the Civil War as a staging post for the late King Tyras’ forces, his successor Thoros negotiated with the Elven Council of Elders to establish it as a joint enclave between Kandarin and Tirannwn. With the formation of the assembly, it’s sovereignty may be challenged by elven nationalists.

Port Tyras is also established here, and the headquarters for the Gwarchod Coastguard.

Camp Ffiniau
Known more locally as just the “Elf Camp”, this military camp at the base of Prifddinas serves as the main training grounds for Gwarchod ensigns.

The Great Forest that consist of most Tirannwn mainland territory are sacred to the elves’ connection to nature. Despite the end of the Elven Civil War, many traps and deadly ordinance have been left behind by both sides. Discussions need to be held on it’s future purpose for the elven people.

Galarpos Mountains
Marking the eastern borders of Tirannwn, the Galarpos Mountains act as the primary barrier between evenkind and the human kingdom of Kandarin. The only way to cross is through the treacherous Arandar mountain pass, guarded by the Gwarchod.

The Poison Wastes
Wrought into existence by experiments conducted deep in the hidden city of Arposandra, the Poison Wastes is an abomination to the Anima Mundi.
Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:40:11 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2018 00:11:27 by Void

Apr Member 2010


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—(••÷[ Assembly of Tirannwn [Pt.1] ]÷••)—

The State’s legislature is the Assembly of Tirannwn , operating as a direct democracy with an elected Chancellor.

Any member of the assembly has the right to propose, debate and vote on legislation and acts for the State of Tirannwn: typically though majority votes. To be a eligible member of the assembly, one must be:

• A pure blooded Elf
• Be at least 105 years of age.
• Belong to one of the eight Elven Clans.
• Not have an outstanding conviction for “an offence of disrepute”.

The Assembly is directed by the Chancellor of Tirannwn , who has the duty of organizing the regular operation of the Assembly (organizing debate and votes, ratifying legislation, etc). Chancellors do not have a fixed term, and are elected and deposed by popular vote in the Assembly, or by Divine Prerogative (by order of the Elven Council of Elders).

The Chancellor of Tirannwn is granted some executive powers, including the following:

• Invoking “ Rhyfel Foti ” (A vote to Declare War.)
• Invoking “ Hedd Foti ” (A vote to Declare Peace.)
• Right to negotiate on behalf of the Assembly.
• Right to appoint ambassadors and representatives to other nations.
• Authority to nominate the Prifarch of the Gwarchod.
• Immunity from prosecution while in office.
Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:40:15 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2018 00:20:26 by Void

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 400 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
—(••÷[ Assembly of Tirannwn [Pt. 2] ]÷••)—

While almost all legislation is passed essentially the same, some acts of state have certain procedures and requirements to be fulfilled:

Vote of Deposition:
The chancellor can be deposed at any time, with one called typically every 3 months. It requires a 60% majority to pass.

Chancellorship Election:
When a Chancellorship is either deposed, stands down or dies, then the Assembly halts all proceedings and calls a special session to elect a new one. Anyone can nominate themselves, but cannot vote for themselves if they do so (they may however abstain). A 60% majority is required to succeed.

Rhyfel Foti:
The act of declaring a war can only be invoked by the Chancellor, and then requires a 2/3rd majority from the attending assembly to pass.

Hedd Foti:
Declaring peace functions almost the same as Rhyfel Foti, requiring the Chancellor to invoke a vote that requires a 2/3rd majority to pass.

Emergency Powers:
In desperate times, the Assembly may vote to grant the Chancellor additional executive powers that can override the Cytir Raith, but must contain a clause limiting how long they remain valid, until either expiring or being renewed by popular vote.
Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:40:32 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2018 00:34:04 by Void

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 400 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
—(••÷[ Assembly Census ]÷••)—

Chancellor of Tirannwn:

Cynfor Elis of Clan Meilyr (Void)


[To be elected]

Members of the Assembly:

[Character Name] / [Username] / [Occupation]

Hiraeth Ithell / Ptolemy Dean / Explorer

Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:40:35 - Last edited on 05-Nov-2018 01:06:55 by Void

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 400 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
—(••÷[ Gwarchod (Armed Forces) ]÷••)—

The Gwarchod are the Armed Forces and Public Guard for Prifddinas, Tirannwn and other elven domains. Unlike before the Assembly, where Clan Cadarn elves where the exclusive defenders of the territory, now any citizen of Tirannwn can sign-up and serve.

Unlike human military structure, the Gwarchod share the same ranking system across all branches of service, as follows:

• Prifarch
• Field Marshal
• Brigadier
• Colonel
• Captain
• Lieutenant
• Ensign

The Prifarch is the head of the Gwarchod armed forces, tasked with enforcing the law of the land and the defence of Priffidnas, Tirannwn and other Elven Domains. The Prifarch is elected from the Assembly of Tirannwn, but must first be nominated by the Chancellor. They serve a fixed term of 3 years, but can resign or be deposed by popular vote in the assembly.

Along with having command of the Gwarchod, the Prifarch is responsible for maintaining the Assembly of Tirannwn in the absence of a elected Chancellor.

Gwarchod Services

During peacetime, the Gwarchod are divided into 3 distinct services to serve the State of Tirannwn and her interests, then are merged during times of war or civil unrest. These services are the following:

• Civil Guard:
The standard guards across all occupied settlements, charged with keeping the peace and enforcing law and order.
• Coastguard:
Charged with defending Tirannwn’s extensive coastline. They are stationed at Port Tyras.
• Corffguard:
The personal protectors of the Assembly, though mainly the Chancellor and the Prifarch.
Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:40:46 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2018 00:40:39 by Void

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 400 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
—(••÷[ Current Gwarchod Enlistment ]÷••)—

[Character Name] / [Username] / [Service] / [Rank]

[None. Enlist today!]
Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:40:49 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2018 00:40:09 by Void

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