
—(••÷[State of Tirannwn]÷••)— Thread is locked

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Apr Member 2010


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—(••÷[ The Cytir Raith (The Common Law) ]÷••)—

The Cytir Raith , or the Common Law in the simple tongue, is the legal and representative basis on which the Great Assembly of Tirannwn will build their edicts upon. In essence, they are the five fundamental, nigh-irrevocable pillars of law that the assembly should build elven society on.

"It is by the executive command of the Elven Council of Elders that every single person within elven domain has the right to a fair and open trial, on the principle of innocent until proven guilty, by a lawful trial conducted by the Assembly."

"By executive command of the Elven Council of Elders that no man, woman, or child of any race shall have their right to speak freely within the bounds of elven domain, so long as they remain confined to within the edicts set forth by the Assembly."

"By executive command of the Elven Council of Elders, it is decreed that no creature capable of intelligent thought shall be bound into a state of permanent slavery, servitude or indebtedness, nor support those who wish to impose such intolerances upon any of elvish decent."

"By executive command of the Elven Council of Elders, the state shall be duty-bound to use its influence to secure the personal freedoms and protections of all elvenkind beyond elven domain, should their liberty or freedom be jeopardized."

"No executive command of the Elven Council of Elders shall ever be repealed, annulled or left unenforceable by the Assembly or the Gwarchod."
Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:40:56 - Last edited on 03-Nov-2018 20:27:50 by Void

Apr Member 2010


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—(••÷[ Elven Criminal Code (Capital Felonies) ]÷••)—

Capital felonies are crimes of the most severe nature, and are deserving of the harshest sentences. The maximum penalty, and ultimate sanction, is death, but aside from that, exile, outlawry and life sentences in either incarceration or penal service also stand as acceptable punishments.

High Treason:
Actions which betray the reigning sovereign, their government or the citizens of Tirannwn. This can include actions to sabotage the Gwarchod, attempts to destabilize the economy, designs to assassinate or depose the Chancellor or members of their government, among other things.

Murder of the first degree:
The deliberate taking of someone’s life, with a premeditated, planned approach. To prove that it is murder of the first degree, there must be evidence of an antecedent conspiracy to commit the murder.

Murder of the second degree:
The deliberate taking of someone’s life, with malice aforethought. To prove that it is murder of the second degree, it should be proven that even though the murder was not premeditated, it was committed with the knowing and uncompromised intention to kill.

For a crime to be considered terrorism, it must be done with the inherent aim to inflict terror to further a goal, be it economic, political, religious or otherwise. Merely using the weapons of terror does not satisfy the definition. Terrorism is usually attached to other charges, like murder or treason.

This crime encompasses acts where state secrets or personnel are endangered or compromised for the benefit of a foreign state or enemy belligerent.

Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:41:02 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2018 00:58:57 by Void

Apr Member 2010


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—(••÷[ Elven Criminal Code (Felonies) ]÷••)—

are serious crimes, usually violent, that are of significant concern to public order and the safety of citizens. Felonies are usually punished with periods of penal service or incarceration, significant fines, or outlawry, in severe cases.

Murder of the third degree:
The deliberate taking of someone’s life, as a result of passionate action on the part of the defendant. What separates this from murder of the second degree is the emotional/mental state of the defendant. If it was compromised by the circumstances, it is murder of the third degree.

The accidental taking of someone’s life through negligent action. This can include serious industrial accidents, or deaths as a result of parental negligence, for example. Violent action may occur, but if there is no intention to kill, it is manslaughter.

Attacks upon another person with intention to cause actual or grievous bodily harm. More severe punishments may be considered if a weapon was used in the commission of the assault.

((You know what goes here.))

The definition of this felony is the distribution or vocalization of falsehoods about the government or the sovereign designed to destabilize the position of those institutions.

Major negligent use of magic:
Use of magic in such a way that it poses a danger to the safety of Elven citizens.

Misrepresentation of oneself or use of false information in order to attain illicit gain for oneself or relevant others.

The abduction of a person, irrelevant of motivation. Can be in order to extract ransom, or attain influence over someone.

Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:41:04 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2018 01:02:31 by Void

Apr Member 2010


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—(••÷[ Elven Criminal Code (Misdemeanours) ]÷••)—

Misdemeanours are more minor offences, causing little damage to the fabric of society, but still having an effect on those involved in the matter. A short jail or penal service sentence is normally sufficient for crimes of this matter, if not an intermediate fine.

Lying whilst under oath before the Assembly. This charge cannot be levelled in the same proceeding, and a new proceeding must be opened after the conclusion of the original hearing or trial.

Levelling threats against someone in order to extract financial gain.

Perverting the course of justice:
Lying during an official investigation in order to mislead that investigation.

State Contempt:
Acting in defiance of the peace and procedures of the Assembly.

Minor negligent use of magic:
Use of magic that presents a threat to the safety and integrity of buildings and property.

Fabrication of documents or coinage in order to attain fraudulent gain, may be reclassified as a felony dependent on scale.

Providing payment to officials in order to sway the performance of their duties. Can vary from paying a government official to take actions in your favour, to paying an member of the Gwarchod to mistreat a prisoner in custody, to other examples.

Evasion of taxes:
Failure to pay, or deceitful actions to avoid paying, the mandated taxes and tariffs placed on citizens and goods by the government.

Activities undertaken in order to transfer goods into the state without paying the relevant importation taxes.

Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:42:55 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2018 01:15:41 by Void

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 400 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
—(••÷[ Elven Criminal Code (Petty Offences) ]÷••)—

Petty offences are the most minor of crimes that can be committed in defiance of the law of the land, and are almost always punishable by fine or public humiliation, usually by means of stocks.

Breaching the peace:
Activities that are in defiance of the public order, but are not classified under other charges.

Public indecency:
Exposure of "private affairs" in a public setting, and public acts involving them.
Damaging the property of another person with criminal intent.

Deliberately entering the private property of another, or designated zones of state property, without permission.

Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:43:01 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2018 01:14:51 by Void

Apr Member 2010


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—(••÷[ Trial by Assembly ]÷••)—

Any individual charged with a felony or higher crime has the right to pursue a fair trial before the Assembly of Tirannwn. In such cases, the accused are to be detained by the Gwarchod until the trial itself. No individual shall be detained longer than six weeks between being charged and trial.

Once time has been allocated for a trial, the Chancellor shall nominate at least 1 or more individuals within the assembly to be the prosecution, while the accused shall nominate their legal defender. For the duration of the trial, the Chancellor is charged with maintaining smooth , fair proceedings, and resolve any irregularities according to their best judgement.

Both sides are entitled to equal time to present their evidence, any witnesses and their cross-examination. When both the prosecution and defence rest, the Chancellor shall call a majority vote to determine the party’s guilt or otherwise for each individual count.

The sentencing of a guilty verdict by the Assembly is left at the sole discretion of the Chancellor, taking reference from the elven criminal code and taking into consideration the circumstances.
Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:43:09 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2018 11:36:16 by Void

Apr Member 2010


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—(••÷[ Wanted by the State]÷••)—

[ Character / Username / Charges ]

[None. You've received 2000GP for good behavior. Keep it up!]
Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:43:21 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2018 12:07:21 by Void

Apr Member 2010


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—(••÷[ Diplomatic Relations ]÷••)—

If you wish to have your group added to this section, please leave a message on this thread and it will be done.

The Holy Kandar Empire

Held in average standing. There continues to be animosity between Kandarin citizens and elvenkind in general, for the acts of clan Iorwerth’s actions against West Ardougne during the elven civil war. There are also historical tensions over land dating back to the time of King Baxtorian’s kingdom.

Kingdom of Misthalin

Yet to establish formal relations.

Kingdom of Asgarnia

Held in positive standing. Established a mutual trade deal which saw Tirannwn gain large mineral wealth for the foreseeable future, as well as some soft power over the recently-liberated kingdom.

Island of Karamja

Yet to establish formal relations.

Kharidian Deserts

Yet to establish formal relations.


Yet to establish formal relations.

Wushanko Isles


Wizard's Tower

Yet to establish formal relations.
Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:43:26 - Last edited on 05-Dec-2018 20:44:51 by Void

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 400 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
—(••÷[ Application System ]÷••)—


We do not use traditional application forms. Instead, you just need to post your interest in joining. You can post a letter or application as well, if you wish.

After your interest is acknowledged, a date and time will be organized with myself or a moderator, so we can help you design a character and have an introduction roleplay, to begin their life in Tirannwn.

Gwarchod Recruitment

After obtaining Citizenship, one can apply for the Gwarchod in-character at the recruitment office. This is situated in the large building in the Iorwerth section of Prifddinas.
Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:44:38 - Last edited on 09-Dec-2018 21:26:47 by Void

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 400 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
—(••÷[ Official Events ]÷••)— ]

Official events are hostable by any member of the State of Tirannwn and will be posted on this thread by the person hosting the event. Official event posts are to include the following:

Name of Event




Any Special Considerations (i.e. “Bring Weapons”, “No Weaponry Allowed”, etc.)
Owner of the RuneScape Roleplay Wiki

01-Nov-2018 23:44:41 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2018 12:23:20 by Void

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