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The Kingdom of Asgarnia

Fuedalist Society Overview

Asgarnia is currently considered a feudalistic society. This means the system of government is based on military, with Nobles having a chain of command to the Monarch.

Overall, Feudalism has some very different ideas to what we immediately think of (Game of Thrones) and the reality of it.

To start, there are a few main social classes in this type of society.

Nobility - Royalty, Nobility, Knights (Those who fight)
Commoners - Serfs, Tenants, Merchants (Those who work)
Clergy - Priests, Nuns, Deacons, Church Figures (Those who pray)

These three are not perfectly solid, especially in Asgarnia, where Paladins and Noble Clerics, Merchant Armies and Pagan forces mixing the three call home.

As a whole, Asgarnia has it's newfound cultural quirks as a result of the civil war in the past, and present. the idea of a solidified Asgarnia seemed far away.

15-Aug-2016 09:57:11 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2016 07:54:04 by AroAustralis

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The Kingdom of Asgarnia

Ranks of Nobility and Class

Within a feudal society, you do not wish to lose your standing of class. Marriage within the same class was extremely common, making a rigid caste-system over time, especially among royalty.

Vassalage in Asgarnia goes in the following order.
Prince Consort / Queen Consort.
Duke / Duchess.
Count / Countess.
Knight / Clergy.
Slave (Illegal, though it likely exists in the country in corners Royal Eyes don't pry.).

Religious Clergy are offered a fief within Asgarnia, to allow them to focus on matters of the faith and not worry about food.

Serfs work the fields of the local Liegelord, earning some food for themselves and some for the Lord. When they finish fieldwork for the day, many go on to get supplementary income chopping wood, crafting, or fishing. Serfs have the right to their land, and legally cannot be removed from it unless they agree to. By doing so, a Serf becomes a tenant after doing work outside a Serf's usual task of farming or mining. Tenants pay rent, but do not need to work fields. Many tenants leave for the cities, seeking to become merchants.

Otherwise, Noble titles that are new are granted by the Liegelord of those lands, up to the Monarch, where Clergy are appointed by the Church.

15-Aug-2016 09:57:16 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2016 07:52:57 by AroAustralis

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The Kingdom of Asgarnia


A fief is the source of income for a Knight or higher Noble so that they can remain ready to jump into action at the call of their Liege. A typical Asgarnian fief would be made of some Serfs to farm the land, some tenants to do artisanal and mercantile work, a local clergyman, a sheriff, and the Knight themselves.

As fiefs grow larger, the amount of food they need does too. A larger fief will break off some Knights deserving of new titles to work in clearing new land to farm for more food. As more tenants come, and the population starts to grow, cities form.

Asgarnia as a country has three major cities. The Bastion of Burthorpe, the Port of Sarim, and the White City of Falador. Larger towns include Taverley, the Soulwood, Stellavista, and the Dwarven Outpost. Asgarnia is home to smaller villages such as Rimmington and Gaint's Hill.

In addition, Monasteries, Churches of considerable size, and Abbeys also have fiefs to support the upkeep of the structure and feed the clergy inside. This acts as a long-standing donation to the Church by the Nation of Asgarnia.

15-Aug-2016 09:57:22 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2016 07:51:05 by AroAustralis

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The Kingdom of Asgarnia

The Vassals of Asgarnia

Vassals are vital to any feudal structure, and Asgarnia is no exception. The following Vassal families hold land in Asgarnia.

The Greys of Buthorpe and Sarimia- In addition to being the Royal Family, the Grey family has noble titles for North-West Asgarnia, the Duchy of Sarimia. The current Duke of Sarimia is Prince Ivandis Grey.

The Concendo of Port Sarim - The Concendo family are loyal supporters of the crown, helping them with the reconstruction of Falador Castle, the retaking of Taverthorpe, and aiding the former Lord Regent with ruling Asgarnia.

The Renderra of Taverthorpe - A longstanding, ancient family predating Asgarnia, and going back to King Raddalin the uniter. The Renderra principality stretches the eastern slope of White Wolf Mountain to the western slopes of Ice Mountain. The current Princess of Taverthorpe is Thalia Renderra.

The Aren of Aspera Tower - A family of mages and old allies of House Grey. Their loyalty to the crown has earned them a small county at the base of their tower.

15-Aug-2016 09:59:07 - Last edited on 14-Dec-2016 11:24:32 by AroAustralis

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The Kingdom of Asgarnia

Vassal Forces

Much like the rest of Asgarnia, the Vassals who own pieces of the land around the area have their own Guards and their own Guard Forces. These tend to double as military, to save costs. These makeup over half of Asgarnia's forces on a battlefield and are loyal to the crown through their Liegelord.

If you wish to RP one such soldier in a battle, go speak to the head of the associated family.

Aethyra Bowmen, Order of the Raven - Renderra (Nat).
Aspera Battlemagi - Aren (Sharne).

15-Aug-2016 09:59:18 - Last edited on 14-Dec-2016 11:24:59 by AroAustralis

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The Kingdom of Asgarnia

Homage and Social Contracts

Homage ceremonies are done so those who are not literate may bear witness to the symbolic action of a Liegelord to their Vassal. All Liege lord from the Monarch to a petty Count must swear to protect their vassals, for failure to protect them and support them financially invalidates their need to fight. A Vassal must answer a Lord's call to battle, or else the Liegelord has permission to remove them from their land in place of someone more loyal.

A vassal must serve their liege dutifully. By far and large, Vassals hold much of the power of the Kingdom, especially united. This means placating them is vital to unification.

Now, while the Vassals tend to hold most of the power, the Monarch has the utmost support of the peasants. Many believe the Monarch has powers such as a healing touch, given by the Gods themselves.

Peasants do have rights by law and society. A Lord who mistreats their peasants disrespects their liege, and a liege will replace them if it gives a bad reputation. Serfs cannot be forced to do work other than farming unless they agree to it. They cannot be forced off their land or out of their homes, and it is recommended for a local liege to give them ale and animals for holidays to feast with.

De facto, the ruler protects the people, and the people support the ruler to help protect them.

15-Aug-2016 09:59:23 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2016 07:44:55 by AroAustralis

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The Kingdom of Asgarnia


A Protectorate is a land that does not owe fealty to the Monarch as a liege lord, but the Monarch swears to protect to the best of their power. Asgarnia currently has only a few of these, pertaining to the Dwarven mines and workshops within and underneath Falador.

In the future, more may be given to similar situations.

15-Aug-2016 09:59:45 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2016 07:43:33 by AroAustralis

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The Kingdom of Asgarnia

Monasteries and Abbeys

Church Structures in Asgarnia are not uncommon! Like many other places, monasteries exist dotting various landscapes to allow clergy to focus on studying the faith, and live an admirable monastic lifestyle. However, if you spend all day in prayer, it is hard to get food. The prayers of the clergy are vital to the strength of Asgarnia and Saradomin's good graces, so fiefs are given to aid in maintaining the clergy and their structures.

Asgarnia houses three Monasteries and Abbeys, including the Edgeville Monastery, the Poor Ladies of Rimmington, and the Chaotic Order of Zamorakian Clerics.

It also houses five cathedrals to five saints of Asgarnia, including the three Asgarnian Warriors of the Priestly Seven (Saints Erysail the Pious, Twiblick the Friar, Derygull Templeton the Bold), one to Saint Varis Salvian, and one of Saint Edward the Vyrebane.

Finally, there are churches that oversee a Diocese of a particular area, appointed by the Church authorities.

15-Aug-2016 09:59:51 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2016 07:42:39 by AroAustralis

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The Kingdom of Asgarnia

Recent Religious Changes

The reign of Varis the Third brought the power of the Church under the authority of the Crown, forming the State Church of Asgarnia. Many of the leaders remain intact.

Against the belief of many, this split was not a split from Saradomin, merely a split from the Divine Rectorate of Entrana.

The Erysailite code following soon after saw devout Saradominists in outrage, but many religious minorities producing a sigh of relief. All faiths practised peacefully were made legal, including Zamorakianism.

During the time of the Erysailite code, change started at the roots of the faith in the Kingdom, the people. The former Archbishop Camilla Grey stepped down from office, roaming the country preaching radical ideas of merchants not being cruel, if they return the favour of fortune to the needy, wearing nothing but rags and begging for all food she ate. This led to a subtle religious shift, where Saradomin, viewed as a kind protector, was met with the religious, wealthy aristocracy of the Asgarnian and foreign church. Many people do not wholly trust their church, and feel it needs reform to win back Saradomin's favour.

Decades later after Queen Efaritay the Uniter's passing her council, Lord Regent Eofare and his Regency Council enacted her final will, declaring that only Saradomin was the head of his church and that no Divine Rector or Archbishop had the authority to declare anything in the name of Saradomin.

15-Aug-2016 10:00:32 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2016 07:41:31 by AroAustralis

May Member 2008


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The Kingdom of Asgarnia

Saints of Saradomin

The Asgarnian Church of Saradomin currently recognizes seven locally born Saints, with an eighth position for a saint in the future to complete an Asgarnian Star.

Friar Twilblick, Priestly Warrior of Taverley.
Erysail the Pious, Priestly Warrior of Rimmington.
Derygull Templeton, Priestly Warrior of Falador.
Edward the Vyrebane, Crusader of Morytania.

Varis Salvian, Former Monarch.
Farradorn, The Banner giver.
Raddalin, the Uniter.
Catherine, Former Monarch, the Peaceful.

15-Aug-2016 10:01:40 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2016 07:40:49 by AroAustralis

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