I'd like to have a funeral rp for my character, is anyone interested in that
i'm about to run out of membership, and probably won't renew until my break is coming up. i'll decide on a date and post about it later, but not until at least next month
*A courier arrived at the White Castle following the coronation. He wore the colors of a Calderon, though he did not coming representing his House; the letter that he delivered bore the sigil of the Round Table.*
"To Her Majesty the Queen of Asgarnia,
I had the privilege of watching your coronation and I am pleased that yet another Asgarnian has risen to the position of autocrat of the Asgarnians peacefully and without war. I do regret that some wish to break up the peace that your ancestors secured, I do hope that you and your court are fine following the assassination attempt.
On another note, I along with the other members of the Round Table and King Nolfinwe wish you the best of luck in the challenges that are presented to a monarch. If you ever require my help, as a humble man, do not fear to ask for it: fore I will come and provide you with whatever aid that I may.
Long Live the Queen.
Lord Tommen Calderon,
Knight of the Round Table."
Two Infantry Brigades are deployed from the 4th Infantry Division out of Ft. Sterling. One brigade is sent to the base of the White Wolf Mountain next to Taverly, and the other brigade is sent to the coast between Rimmington and Port Sarim.
This news is made public knowledge upon the brigades reaching their destinations, and established camp. Their reasoning is to 'provide reinforced security' of the borders.
I'm a thief. But I keep, what I steal.