-- Not the greatest armour in the history of mankind, but hey. It got the job done. Much of its success on the battlefield owed to the fact that it indirectly saved the lives of many those who wore it by preventing slashing wounds. Slashing wounds = open wounds = 5 star resort for infectious pathogens. And, as we all know from movies!....Infection in the Middle Ages is a bad thing. Blunt trauma? Broken bones? Mail rings splitting off and being pressed into the wearer? Not a problem with your handy dandy bloodthirsty surgeon lying around! Thus mail was effective at both helping prevent you from getting sliced in half, and keeping an infection from rotting you to pieces in the aftermath of the battle.
Now we come to Transitional Armour. This stuff is ugly, in my opinion. Literally, it does not look pretty, at least to me. But my main problem with it is the weight. Essentially, Transitional Armour is a general description for the 14th century trend of throwing a bunch of crap on top of a suit of mail in order to provide more 'effective' defence in combat. Generally speaking, armourers could and often did add leather armour, steel plate armour, and additional (sometimes unnecessary) bronze or brass fittings to 'complement' an already full and heavy suit of mail armour. Putting it plainly, this s*** was /heavy/, yo. Now imagine you're wearing that /on top of/ a hot, smelly gambeson. And on top of /that/, imagine you're being asked to fight all day in hot weather. If there was /ever/ a time where a knight could not get up on his own if he fell over, this was probably it.
And yet they could still run, could still turn around, and could still fight.
Not to mention the fact that I rarely (if ever) see this type of armour used in Runescape Roleplay.
Now fast-forward a little bit. Here we are, ladies and gents! Plate armour has come into its own! With the replacement of a full suit of mail and heavy gambeson by the much lighter aketon and gousset,--
14-Oct-2013 23:41:01
- Last edited on
15-Oct-2013 00:04:23