Once Joanna had finished writing her letter back to Rend Sul'damane, a mildly confused servant reluctantly threw the letter into a well or the river, on her insistence, as she figured this was probably the best way to reach him. It was enchanted to be protected from water damage, so that the message was legible. It was stamped closed with the wax seal of the Lavelle family, emblazoning an eagle with its wings spread and talons clenched.
Opening the letter, it read:
"To my good friend, Rend Sul'damane,
I am pleasantly surprised to receive your letter, especially by the way it came to me. It was quite creative, even if a bit inconvenient for those eating the soup.
My son spoke of meeting you in Seershaven, when I gave you that jar of cookies. I hope he treated you as kindly as I raised him to. By the way, you should tell me what you thought of those cookies when you get here. I do enjoy seeing and hearing of others' joy.
Your visit would be most welcome here, and I would be glad to make accommodations for you while you and I get caught up on how things have been since we last met. I'll even be happy to personally bake you up a fresh new batch of cookies, if you'd like. I don't really know Magus Concendo, actually, though I may have met him when I was younger. Perhaps you could introduce me to him again? I am always happy to make new friends.
Thank you so much for sharing your confidence in my leadership and wisdom, Rend, it helps me much more than one might imagine to know that others believe I'm on the right path. I do hope your own realm is doing well, as I do know you do much to keep it upright.
I wish you a most happy day, and the merriest of Wintumber seasons yet,
Your friend,
Her Most Serene Excellency,
Grand Chancellor of Varrock,
Joanna Lavelle,
Duchess of Laveranne
Hi, I'm Dan.
19-Nov-2017 18:39:01