Application Template
(I have all applicants speak with me about their characters before any role-play begins. Because of this and the general distaste for applications, you may either choose the longer application and have to explain very little to me in-game, or the shortened one and have a bit more explaining to do; with all of that being said, I'd still suggest the longer version, for future reference.)
Lengthened Version
Character Name:
Age (Please note we do not really have any official system for aging elves, and accept that it seems to be different for all elves):
Race (Elves are generally advised for the nature of this RP, with exceptions):
Sector of RP (Civilian, Amddiffynnwr Uchel or Noble/Royal):
Physical Description:
Anything else you'd like us to know?:
Shortened Version
Username(s)/Character Name/Age/Race/Occupation/Sector of RP
Kingdom of Hynafiaid
"Faith without works is dead."
W41 Squad