Character Bio:
Name: Forty-Two
Race: Human Subspecies (Protohuman)
Age: Unknown (Looks to be around 18, however is much older.)
Gender: Identifies as Male (Though, he may not have reproductive organs. See history.)
Alignment: Unaligned (See history.)
Occupation: Wandering Assassin
Power(s), Abilities, and/or Skill(s): Able to follow commands without question. Also has no remorse whatsoever in most cases, and has great talent with blades, mostly daggers.
Weaknesses: Prone to get lost in the feeling of a kill, and may excessively continue to plunge his blade into a cadaver /long/ after his enemy is deceased. Not sure if this is a weakness, but it can be taken advantage of.
Weapons/Specialized Tools: He uses a specialized Iron Dagger that he calls "Sweet Veronica". It's not enchanted or anything, it's just really good at stabbing things, and has a nice grip.
Clothing/Armour: He wears studded leather armor, and a leather hood. Not much else.
Description: Forty-Two stands at around 5'8", and has pale, white skin, due to not going out in the sunlight very often. He also has black pools where his eyes should be, though the reason for this is unknown.
Hair Color: Black.
Eye Color: Abyssal Pools of Nothingness. (Black.)
Height/Weight: 5'8", probably around 100 pounds due to excessive skinny-ness.
Scars/Exotic Body Features: He's got a tattoo on his neck of a dotted line, with some text under it that says "cut along the dotted line." Also, he's got a scar going from his waist to the base of his throat, a perfectly straight line that goes up his chest.
Short History: Continued in next post.
Name: Forty-Two
Race: Human Subspecies (Protohuman)
Age: Unknown (Looks to be around 18, however is much older.)
Gender: Identifies as Male (Though, he may not have reproductive organs. See history.)
Alignment: Unaligned (See history.)
Occupation: Wandering Assassin
Power(s), Abilities, and/or Skill(s): Able to follow commands without question. Also has no remorse whatsoever in most cases, and has great talent with blades, mostly daggers.
Weaknesses: Prone to get lost in the feeling of a kill, and may excessively continue to plunge his blade into a cadaver /long/ after his enemy is deceased. Not sure if this is a weakness, but it can be taken advantage of.
Weapons/Specialized Tools: He uses a specialized Iron Dagger that he calls "Sweet Veronica". It's not enchanted or anything, it's just really good at stabbing things, and has a nice grip.
Clothing/Armour: He wears studded leather armor, and a leather hood. Not much else.
Description: Forty-Two stands at around 5'8", and has pale, white skin, due to not going out in the sunlight very often. He also has black pools where his eyes should be, though the reason for this is unknown.
Hair Color: Black.
Eye Color: Abyssal Pools of Nothingness. (Black.)
Height/Weight: 5'8", probably around 100 pounds due to excessive skinny-ness.
Scars/Exotic Body Features: He's got a tattoo on his neck of a dotted line, with some text under it that says "cut along the dotted line." Also, he's got a scar going from his waist to the base of his throat, a perfectly straight line that goes up his chest.
Short History: Continued in next post.
03-Jan-2014 20:42:34 - Last edited on 03-Jan-2014 20:51:28 by Vrafeus