Character Bio:
Name: Haeska "Null" Farin (Known by Null)
Race: Human
Age: 42~43
Gender: Male
Alignment: Let's say.. Pretty neutral.
Occupation: Wandering Madman
Power(s), Abilities, and/or Skill(s): He is a fire-and-ash based magic user some of the time, and a strict Ice/Frost magic user the rest of the time. (will be briefly explained further down)
Weaknesses: He's insane. Not much more to it. One moment he'll be incinerating an innocent child, the next moment assisting a stranger in some dangerous task or another out of the kindness of his heart. His erratic behavior can lead him to harm those he cares for, or be taken advantage of fairly easily. Along with this, he is illiterate.
Weapons/Specialized Tools: A flimsy, razor-sharp, serrated shortsword of iron which he carries with him everywhere, calling it "Blightbane" (when in his 'good' personality'), or "Blightbringer" (when in his 'evil' personality). However, the sword is a simple, mundane blade with nothing special about it.
Although not a weapon, he is also constantly carrying a purple-bound book which he keeps closely to himself, and allows no others to read. It is latched and the key is nowhere to be found; but Null guards it with his life nonetheless.
Clothing/Armour: He owns no clothes or armor but the faded robes he's worn as long as he can remember (which isn't very long). Said robes are faded, but are black and grey, with a nearly unidentifiable insignia on the front.
Description: As stated before, Null is a madman, but it wasn't always that way; however he can't remember what way it /used/ to be. The best description for his mentality would be "an extreme, magically-induced case of dual personalities, which erratically change with no warning." One of his 'personalities' is Friendly, happy, and helpful, while the other is dull, cruel, and dangerous. Alongside that, he only uses Frost and Ice magic when 'good', Fire and Ash when 'evil'.
13-Mar-2013 00:23:24