This character meant to be OP to a decent degree. As per Sparkies request of a Xile.
Name: Silent Epitaph - 777
Race: Unknown
Age: 309
Gender: Male
Alignment: Xiles
Occupation: NA
Power(s), Abilities, and/or Skill(s): control over Gravity. Able to increase or decrease it at will, affecting singular individuals or radius. He can use it to propel objects at impossible speeds, or create crushing forces. He's able to "fly" via it, and is unaffected by all shifts in gravity save those he chooses to let affect him. It can be used to divert projectiles, and so on.
He has a "Secondary Form", which, at great physical expense; temporarily increases his reaction time, physical strength, and power control. Giving him strange dark features.
Weaknesses: Hostiles capable of teleportation at rapid rates, or immense speed, due to them being harder to time fluctuations against. And Lightning, due to it's immensely impossible speed. And most elemental and magical projectiles are decently effective.
Weapons/Specialized Tools: Sharp black spikes of obsidian, that can be caused to expand, and lock whence they strike.
Clothing/Armour: He'll wear black.
Description: Pending.
Hair Color: Pending.
Eye Color: His eyes are black, aside from the glowing spheres that change color within at it's center.
Height/Weight: 5'8. NA
Scars/Exotic Body Features: Black stones embedded all across his skin, of obsidian. His eyes. And the strange grey tinge to his skin.
Short History:
"Feel it pry, tear, tug, pull. At the core of all."
Other: I originally had a few more details, but Jagex killed what I wrote, and made me restart, sorry.
A taste of my steel is beyond sufficient for your last meal.
24-Dec-2012 04:48:14