For the first, and perhaps, last time, in this new walk of life, I set out alone, away from my estate. And it seems strange to call it that, this manor. For by whatever means it has come to rest in my hands, they are merely that; As much this manor, means toward a greater end. I had expected many things, of this new life, and not one of them was familiarity. And yet, I see men reeling in nets, and I wish they were my father. I see women bring in the harvest, and I wish I knew my mother. I would want them to be proud of me; So it is deathly imperative that I do not fail them.
With His Majesty's approval I would ask to bring Sarim to Falador for a ceremony to which all are invited who would address me, personally. In place of ceremony behind cold, stone walls, let it be open, that it's made clear to all who doubt my intent, or my ability: Know! Having come to age beyond courtly air has not dulled my wits, my senses, or my resolve, but sharpened them. I have spent years honing both word and blade in preparation for the day I could return home. Now, I extend my audience to all who would come, for I know well the perils of countryside. I have seen the hardships those beyond the safety of the castle walls must contend with. Show me, for I am keenly interested in the resolve of the unfettered soul.
Through the rumors, the mysterious new figurehead finally stands to address the crowd. The Duchess has extended an invitation to the people, for sake of assessing the situation, so to speak, all thinly disguised in a veil of festivities. She has asked that guests refrain from bringing weapons or armor-
"I've had enough of fighting..."
-and that gifts, while appreciated, are unnecessary, stating,
"I am thankful enough to see justice met, let my gifts be to you."
Saturday, 3:00pm Central, at the Party Room in Falador
13-Nov-2018 23:11:35