Fool is a guard that challenges the opponent to make an attack, earning its name as only a fool gives the opponent a moment to attack. But Fool has commendable defensive properties, thus meriting mention. Have the
leg forward, the sword forward and point aimed downward, but still in the opponent's direction. The entire purpose of this guard is inviting the opponent to attack, and delivering a powerful counter that doesn't involve foolishly overexerting a character and creating openings.
*Sicarius' right leg forward, Sicarius kept his sword forward, below the--
--waist, with the point aimed towards Enemy's shins.*
I recommend describing body language and other factors to help lure an opponent into attacking. Hurl insults, feign fear and/or weakness, whatever makes for good bait.
In most cases, when the opponent attacks, a powerful, upward displacement can be made while sliding the point forward, underneath the opponent's sword, for a thrust. If someone's weapon is above the body, and yours is underneath his/her weapon, you can easily get a hit in.
Iron Door and Middle Iron Door
The previous four guards were primarily German, and applicable to any weapon. Starting here, these guards are Italian, and focus more on explicit use with the longsword. While not as simple, these guards boast deceptive qualities, and ultimately leave attacks to be nearly unpredictable unless the opponent is already familiar with them. Given how the Sicarius use splitrobes to conceal the legs and help make footwork less predictable, this fits in quite well.
The Iron Door and Middle Iron Door are low guards, with an emphasis on defense. For the Iron Door, have the left leg forward with the right heel off the ground. The sword is held with the guard at the hip, one hand on the pommel to create a fast, lever-like motion that allows for sudden and powerful displacements in the form of uppercuts. Lean forward in a way that offers the head as bait. Sicarius style.
20-Apr-2014 02:40:47
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20-Apr-2014 03:03:44
heretic hary