The Father was less than forthcoming at first with his story but under the Light of Saradomin and Brother Hadrius' methods, he begun to tell us the tale we seek.
Him and his Family lived in Edgeville, on the edge of the city near the borderline. He worked as a smuggler that brought illegal goods back and forth over the border in payment. It was in this unlikely professional that he brought his daughter along who had begged and begged her Father to allow.
The job, he assured Hadrius, was an easy one and with no violence, so he took her along with him on what would be his last journey across the wall. While out in the Wilderness, their cart was attacked by a group of local wildlife, in the fray, the daughter was bitten by one of the maggot infested rats. Which he assumed to be the cause of his daughter's plight.
Most troubling, during Brother Hadrius' questioning, similar swollen flesh was starting to form on his armpits. Following the orders of Abbot both the Father and daughter were allowed to stay to see what could be done to heal their plight.
The following morning, when Brother Remus was making his rounds, he found the daughter dead, most disturbing, she appeared to have drown in a small pile of blood that had leaked from her mouth during the night.
The Father appeared to be worsening. His skin becoming covered in the buboes but also too his fingernails and toenails turning a sickening black as if the flesh have died and rotten. He too pasted on the following morning and both bodies were buried on the Abby's grounds to be adsorbed of their sins underneath the Light of Saradomin.
Brother Hadrius fears there is something more and has head into Edgeville to look into the matter and see to the home of this Family. He is young and fears, but this strange illness has luckily been stopped before it could spread.
A lot of Characters | World 42
16-Sep-2018 20:56:53
- Last edited on
16-Sep-2018 21:10:25