The stranger managed to pull out the Mahjarrat Mind Stone that was controlling the creature, causing a mixture of Elder Divine, Smoke and Shadow energies to leak out. The creature, now a mindless brute, went off to rush at Summer, sending itself and the dragon back to the material world so that they may continue the attack. Driven by instinct the beast thrashed about attacking Summer in an ambush while the Dragon went for Rosaline and Denrak the Dwarf. Ezekiel tried to help Summer by attacking the creature’s tail, causing a crack to form in its armour before being swatted away by its tail. Denrak the Dwarf Managed to shake the dragon off, managing to create a hole in the right side of the creature’s serpentine body and caused more energy to leak out. Meanwhile, the stranger, a Mahjarrat in disguise, created a Deathstone to remember the fallen Dream of Mah.
The Dragon circled around, attacking the two Guild members and Denrak the Dwarf. Rosaline took this opportunity to destroy the portal’s glyphs, only to be attacked by the Serpent while Ezekiel and Summer fought off the dragon. Clinging onto the dragon’s body the two did their best to slay the beast. Summer was knocked off into the pools of water below while Ezekiel held on. Meanwhile below the Serpent unleashed a pulse of fire and like a wave it engulphed the central platform, burning Denrak the Dwarf while Rosaline shielded herself. The beast took the opportunity to crush the Dwarf, slamming it with its heavy body. Ezekiel manages to knock the dragon out of the air, both going down into the pools below. Unable to get up the creature sank, causing a wave of water to knock the two Guild members around.
18-Aug-2017 02:21:51