
The Godless

Quick find code: 237-238-591-65867333

Reefer Jones
Dec Member 2018

Reefer Jones

Posts: 82 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Lucius

Age: 185 (Maturity: 18.5)

Race: Human-Mahjarrat Hybrid

Appearance: Lucius stands at 5 foot 11, with a thin, agile build. He has the build of a human, however, has some features akin to the Mahjarrat. He has messy jet black hair, a purple gem on his forehead and slightly glowing purple eyes. Lucius has blueish-grey skin, no facial hair and a visible scar across his left cheek.

Residence: Keeps his stuff under the ruins east of the Wilderness Crater, doesn't have an actual residence.

Background: Lucius was born on The 11th of Rintra, Year 1990 of the 4th Age. He was created and planted into his human mother's womb by the Mahjarrat known as Dovkarhi
His mother, named Eliasta, was a human mage who was kidnapped by Dovkarhi to create Lucius, as an experiment by Dovkarhi. The experiment was a success and Lucius was born, Eliasta, already weak and malnourished, died after Lucius's birth. Lucius's childhood, which lasted for over a century and a half, was full of him carrying out his cruel father's demands. He endured a lot of physical abuse from Dovkarhi, as Lucius was naturally a defiant child. At age 179, Lucius finally rebelled against his father, attacking him as he was completely off guard, stabbing him repeatedly with his bladed staff. Lucius then fled, unsure whether or not Dovkarhi had died. Lucius now lives a nomadic life, moving around as he pleases and only storing his treasures in the Wilderness ruins. Now at age 185, he still lives with the fear that his father could still be alive and could be hunting him, surely eager for revenge.

Are you joining as an aligned mortal, or a worker of the faction? Worker, mostly.

Lucius/Human-Mahjarrat Hybrid/Nomadic/Worker
2020 be like bruh

12-Jan-2017 01:26:04



Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Talon Spellmagus

Age: 24

Race: Human

Appearance: Talon stands at 6,2 and is of a slightly muscular build, he has hazel eyes and messy light brown hair, he has a scar on the left side of his face under his eye .

Residence: Traveler

Background: Talon was born in the city of Varrock to a couple known as Flora and Aeon, his birth was that of any other child and his parents loved him all the same, As he grew up he noticed he had a unusual knack in magic, he was quite skilled in it, so skilled infact that a local mage had taught him all he knew by the age of fourteen, He eventually went to join to the mages tower and sought the knowledge they held there, he showed them what he knew and they accepted him as one of their own, he trained there for several years, learning about gods and divine beings through magic, one in particular interested him, Guthix and he sought out more knowledge about Guthix throughout the years he spent there reading various books on him and the beings associated with him, he soon became a devout follower of him, but news soon turned up that he had died and Talon grieved, making his own personal grave for him, he now lives his life hoping to follow his god's ways and keep glienor in balance.

Are you joining as an aligned mortal, or a worker of the faction? Aligned mortal

13-Jan-2017 23:46:25

Kali Yuuna
Dec Member 2019

Kali Yuuna

Posts: 778 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't think I caught your confirmation on what building the Godless use ooc'ly for the Sarim headquarters. I looked on the wiki and came across this.

"But after the battle for Port sarim, and the Kinshra victory, the town was burned to the ground as the godless lost the house, and are waiting to rebuild it with the mayor in hope to regain it."

Whether it's been rebuilt or not, Dawn is running a side business of sorts near the ports. She's left a large square stone near an alley with the followed inscribed on it. "Offering repairs, upgrades, and spells of protection. Meet in the hours before and after the sun's zenith. ~Travelling Mage"

Are you guys also working with the Asgarnia RP group in regards to that building and their laws?
You and me? We got this.
Sneaking around IRL.

14-Jan-2017 06:30:23

Jan Member 2018


Posts: 3,628 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kali Yuuna said :
I don't think I caught your confirmation on what building the Godless use ooc'ly for the Sarim headquarters. I looked on the wiki and came across this.

"But after the battle for Port sarim, and the Kinshra victory, the town was burned to the ground as the godless lost the house, and are waiting to rebuild it with the mayor in hope to regain it."

Whether it's been rebuilt or not, Dawn is running a side business of sorts near the ports. She's left a large square stone near an alley with the followed inscribed on it. "Offering repairs, upgrades, and spells of protection. Meet in the hours before and after the sun's zenith. ~Travelling Mage"

Are you guys also working with the Asgarnia RP group in regards to that building and their laws?

It was the one with the smithing outside. I said it in the clan chat (maybe it was missed.) It has been rebuilt already. Frank (Dovino) or Dark would need to talk to you on that offer. Also no we aren't
Duke of Fort Forinthry
Interested in role-play? check out: The Quest Collective

14-Jan-2017 17:26:48



Posts: 1,427 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Sophie Kriss

Age: 20

Race: Human

Appearance: Sophie has long brown hair and bright hazel eyes. She stands at 5'7. Constantly armed with throwing knives at her sides and a battlestaff on her back. Her typical adventuring outfit is a red tunic with a collar covered with rips and a short black skirt.

Residence: She doesn't have a proper house currently, however is working on getting one, however she quite likes travelling around constantly, camping, hotels etc. anyway.

Are you joining as an aligned mortal or worker: worker

Background: (aw you know I like these long backgrounds, this could take up three posts x) )
Sophie was raised in Burthorpe/taverly by her father, who was a druid, she never knew her mother as she died giving birth to Sophie. Her father started to teach her summoning and all about Guthix from a young age. While he encouraged her to believe in what she wanted, he never really delved into explaining any other way of life. Some people did however.

There was an "orphanage" run by an old woman, the children there referred to her as "grandmother", and so did sophie. She would quite often play with those children, entertaining them with basic summons and comforting them when they were sad, all she ever wanted back was their companionship.

Thing is, there was one group of children, who would constantly pick on the children at the "orphanage". Sophie would always protect them, she wouldn't let the bullies lay a single finger on the children. But she was a strict pacifist, it's the way her father taught her, no combat at all. So she'd take beatings, she'd take the sticks, she'd take the stones, she'd take the words. This would happen often, no precautions could be taken to stop these tormentors. Until one day, she would finally encounter her best friend.

"Grandmother" had left for falador for some supplies. The bullies were back, as bothersome as ever. Sophie stood, arms and legs spread apart as if to cover the other children.
(crap, it's long

16-Jan-2017 23:18:40



Posts: 1,427 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dat background continued:

"are you reaaally going to play the heroine role again?", one of the bothersome offenders asked, raising a fist, to which Sophie just nodded silently, visibly shaking, but still standing strong. "I was always told not to hit girls, but i'd say you're pretty man enough", the boy said, going to slap Sophie straight round the face. However the hand stopped midway, it was gripped at the wrist by a filthy, small hand. "Sorry, I'm 'fraid I'll be the hero for today". A boy, one Sophie had never seen before, was holding tight onto the aggressors arm. His black hair was messy, unbrushed, dirt covering it. His, what can assumed was meant to be a white tunic, was torn all over, grey and grimy. His brown shorts the same, torn and muddy. Even the ends of his shoes had split open, revealing his toes. But at this time, in this moment, all Sophie was seeing was a night in shining armour. The dialogue was cheesy, and it kept up that way for the fight until "grandmother" managed to break it up. But Sophie didn't care, such corny dialogue was often used by kids as young as five and this boy seemed so amazing to her.

As the bullies left, "grandmother" made sure everyone was alright, before scolding the boy "you've got a real fire in your belly young man!", to which he just smirked; "that's not a good thing!". The old woman just sighed and started smiling gently again as she always did. She started introducing him, the newest orphan, however the boy cut her off "The names Rowland Mason! Pleased to meet you!" he'd say, kissing Sophie's hand, making her giggle. "hey, don't let them pick on you from now on alright? I know what you were tryyying to dooo, but believe me, no one here wants to see you get hurt either i'm sure. You need to stand up for what you believe in and what you care about! Don't let anyone bring you down!". This boy, went on to become her best friend for the next ten years.

(gawd there's more comin')

16-Jan-2017 23:34:11



Posts: 1,427 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dat background continued MORE:

So, a year passed, Rowland, as rough and tumble as he was for his age, was really getting on well with the other kids, especially Sophie, who was now 5. She was starting to take her own path of learning, still following her father's footsteps, however, she was now branching out to explore more of what life meant to her. Sophie and Rowland would keep getting in trouble with the guards, nothing strictly "bad", however the boy was a bad influence some times, they'd constantly climb and run along buildings, bothering those inside and out, swim in the lake as people were trying to fish, occasionally interrupting druidic rituals with innocent pranks etc etc. But in general they brought along a healthy feeling to the area, as far as anyone was concerned, they were just being kids, they were good a lot of the time, especially Sophie, she quite often enjoyed simply making daisy chains as crowns, necklaces and bracelets and just handing them out to locals passing by.

But that wasn't all, Sophie was almost constantly on the move, her father would use his skills in herblore to create medicine for the locals and the orphans and Sophie would gladly deliver them. Once Rowland arrived...she did it say the least. One day she was running down the street, going to deliver a potion to a pregnant woman, when she heard violent galloping behind her. "Soooophiiiieee! Giiimmeee that potioooon!". She'd spin around, seeing Rowland, now only 6, struggling to stay on top of a speeding horse. Startled, she accidentally threw the potion in the air and leapt out of the way. Rowland caught the potion and kept riding away to the house. "ROWIE!?", she'd call, but he was too busy laughing and enjoying himself to see he was now clinging to the horses face, covering it's eyes, to which it ran into a vegetable stall. "ROWIE YOU STUPID HEAD!" she'd yell, bonking him over the head with a cabbage before stealing the potion back.

(mein gott how long is this)

16-Jan-2017 23:54:00



Posts: 1,427 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Rowland was still just laughing to himself as he rubbed his head, picking off the flesh of vegetables that were stuck in his hair. He'd suddenly stop "okay time to /run/!", grabbing Sophie by the hand and breaking out into full sprint, they weren't far from the house, but guards were already giving chase. It wasn't an unfamiliar situation unfortunately. They managed to deliver the potion however and get free of the guards. Obviously, Rowland got his scolding later on that day, when the guards visited the orphanage. Sophie's father was continually getting more and more frustrated by the way she was changing, blaming Rowland as a bad didn't stop her from hanging around with him though.

Five years later. "Rowland? Where are we going?", he was currently leading Sophie through some nearby woodlands, pulling her by the hand, smiling along the way. "You'll see daisy chain! ahhh! There!", Rowland would start breaking out into a whisper, as they hid behind a boulder, peeking out. "You see there? A campsite, i've seen people coming and going occasionally; I think they're adventurers! Cool right?!". Sophie looked bewildered, staring at the campsite blankly, giving the occasional slow blink ", real adventurers, never actually met one properly", rowland nodded along, a big grin "oh yeah! Think this is my chance Soph? To get out o' here? Make something of myself!? Explore the world, save the day an' all". She'd giggle, pushing him playfully "come on Rowie you're eleven years old and hardly know how to swing a sword in anyway other than your own; and that's with a stick. You think you can honestly slay the kind of dragons you always tell me about in your stories? And the ghouls? Villains?" he'd stroke his chin with a devilish smirk "course i can, maybe not yet, but give it...ya know...a year or two."

Their conversation was interrupted, they were both grabbed from behind by a large man, who took them down to the camp.

17-Jan-2017 00:13:00

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