Preferred OOC name: Star
Character name: Amanda
Race: Human? Yeah. Human.
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Equipment: Amanda has two main weapons. A heavy, magical staff, and an iron gnome prosthetic left arm. The staff is composed of a combination of yew wood and elementium. At the top of the staff is an omni-elemental casting focus (Hooray for runeless spells). The gnome prosthetic contains a swiss army knife to suit all the basic needs of an adventurer. For the sake of not claiming to pull something out of my ass in a dire situation, the gadgets include: A combat knife, a length of rope and a grappling hook, a varying set of hand sizes (for doing small work), a hatchet head, a tinderbox, and a magnifying lense. She also tends to wear light, leather-based armor, and knee-high boots. Otherwise, she wears a warm, black, hooded tunic. She also owns a set of spiked, and climbing boots, and a cave-goblin mining helmet. Along with that, she carries a small repair kit, which contains all basic, conventional tools needed for repairing a prosthetic arm.
Description of Character: Amanda is 5' 11, with a skinny build. She is not much of a heavy lifter, even with the increased durability of her prosthetic. She is white, with red hair. She has a slight yellow-ish eye color.
Startraphell I Amanda I 27 I Human I Mage, Mechanic, Adventurer
"I am true divinity! I am the father of nations and peoples! I am the thing you merely pretend to be! I am God, and I am King, and you can never defeat me!" ~Galath, Infinity Blade
13-Jan-2016 01:25:14