About the "rune prices are too damn high" point that some of you seem to be a little concerned about, I want to assure you that I didn't just come up with the numbers off of the top of my head; they're a mash-up of real, in-game statistical rarity, master-level skill requirements, and price relative to how accessible you might expect such an item to be for the different financial classes.
Well your math seems fairly sound, though if you're rounding for one I suggest you round for ALL, scientific continuity and such. That said, I think maybe in general our value of money may be off slightly? Maybe not, I dunno. I think it's really just the fact that dragon is ALL OVER THE PLACE while runite is STILL somehow rarer. To draw an analogy, its like if Astatine was found in greater quantities than, say, Uranium.
I exist to amuse myself. Whether or not that includes you is not my problem.
*Begins killing characters with dragon and then hiding the stuff to fix the runite/dragon rarity ratio.*
of the characters I have would do that, and that would require a lot of effort elsewhere on his part. In short, it's not probable any character of mine would go along that radical (though probably fun) path.