I agree and approve of this general amounts given in the list. Especially in the low-end and high-end numbers, this sounds adequate and in line with my personal theories on the value of GP.
However, if anything, I might contest a few prices on things such as Runite. If we observe the BoL, we can see that the Duke purchases multiple sets of Short Swords and Kite Shields for 20k.
Granted, it is VERY true that in all likelihood the vendor/vendors/nations he acquired the equipment from were excessively generous given the nature of Lumbridge's predicament. Still, it's a big leap from a single sword being 300k to purchasing entire sets of Kiteshields/Swords for only 20k.
Moreover, even with a yearly income allowing the highest of nobles to afford a sword in less than two years time, that's exempting their many other expenditures. So, sensibly speaking, it would be a massive investment for a Noble to fancy getting a runite longsword even at the price of, say, 50k. That's a top line noble investing nearly a fifth of his entire year's income on one object. What about all the money he spends on lavish parties, feasts, and general upkeep? Looking at that, we are talking many, many years for the wealthiest men of Gielinor to afford a single Runite blade.
That just seems a little off to me. I would suggest that high-grade gear (Runite/Magic/Black Dhide/etc) aren't quite as high-value as you're putting them at. Yes, they ARE excessively rare, and thus prices are going to be competitive. But are they
rare? I would argue, Gielinor-wide, perhaps not so.
14-Oct-2013 02:12:21