Character Name: Ediram
Character Age: 15
Character Race: Human
Character Description/History: Born and raised in Falador. Son of a farmer, always strived to achieve knighthood
Preferred Class: (Warrior, Ranger, or Mage) Warrior
Is the quest "Wanted!" complete?: Yes
Clan/RP Experience: (Please include RP fighting experience.) None
White Knight Experience: None
Will you follow ALL of the rules?: YES
Why do you want to join this clan?: Playing runescape can be boring on your own. I think the white knights are cool and I think a bit of role play can be fun.
Timezone (Optional): London/UK
Any extra information: I dont always have membership due to money constraints unfortunately.
Email / Ediram / 10/11/2015
10-Nov-2015 23:03:33