For Knights:
By signing these papers, I (Leo Jakarios), hereby acknowledge that I will be inducted into the honourable Order of the Abyssal Knights and serve a term of no less than 3 years in active service.
Name: Leo Jakarios
Age: 29
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Physical Description: Tied back blonde hair, tan skin, eye patch on right eye
Desired MOS: Scouting/Reconissance
Previous experience (relating to MOS and/or previous services in other branches, or lack thereof if enlisting): Pathfinding from Hemenster, Ardougne, Yanille & wisely thru Feldip Hills since 16 years old.
Personality: keeps to self (mostly), sociable, eccentric, sometimes stubbron
(Optional) OOC/Additional Notes:
03-Mar-2022 01:10:18