
Order of the Abyssal Knights

Quick find code: 237-238-312-66244203

Jul Member 2008


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|The Order of Abyssal Knights|

Commissioned Officer Ranks

These ranks tend to be designated towards long-serving knights or those who are sergeants+ & wish to become Officers.

Officer Cadet/Ocdt
These men take a more managerial role & will begin to observe & learn from higher-ranking officers. They live now in different dorms compared to Enlisted Barracks.

Now having the managerial part down, Lieutenants are expected to lead a group of 12 Knights & will participate in more sensitive or concerning missions. They will also be allowed to process enlistees & functionaries.

Expected to be competent in times of strife & are often challenged by superiors to quickly react to a fictional scenario proposed to them in a matter of minutes or less.

-Captain 1st Class/CPT1
The greatest on-the-ground officers in the Order. Enlistees arriving at Fort Suture will be filed into the commonhall & will be addressed by said Captain 1st Class, this may also be in tandem with or in lieu of Kenton Decarte himself. CPT1 will often be in charge of the entirety of the Abyssal Knights, second only to:

Commander/CDR (Or ceremonially Commandant/CMT if there is a standing Commander)
You will see the big picture, literally everything that is going on, as such, you more likely will be in an office or tactics room, making sure subordinate officers are being held to the high standards that the Order requires.

Commanders/Commandants often are not present at large-scale military action & likely will be coordinating action via on-the-ground officers & their communications.

An apologetically, unofficial representative for World 42

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22-Jan-2022 23:03:24 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2022 23:48:15 by Nathmatics

Jul Member 2008


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|The Order of Abyssal Knights|

Combat Roles

Knights are free to choose whatever combat-style they wish and what kind of weapon is used, though most are designed for maximising the distance between a knight and an anomaly.

Wizards are a common role and operate in a typical style. Most will use wand and book to refer to for other spells and wards. They’re also trained to tell if an object is magical in nature as opposed to anomalous. They tend to carry their runes and other equipment in rucksacks.

Rangers have a variety of arms, including hand-held cannons. Most of the time, these cannons contain spread-shot to maim or kill creatures at longer distances, however, other types of ammunition can be used, such as explosive slugs and even flares. Rucksacks are essential for carrying ammunition. They may also carry a small crossbow if reloading a hand-cannon takes too long.

You then have the titular Knight, or infantryman. usually is equipped with either a shield and long-glaive or some kind of large, heavy-hitting weapon which is either blunt or bladed. Knights tend to carry provisions for a given element due to the latter two carrying role-specific equipment.

Enlistees tend to not be assigned weaponry until training occurs, though will go on ruck-marches, often to build endurance, with the surrounding swamp being a perfect test.

The Special Branch and Officers tend to field a variant of the armour to be more distinct and recognisable.

Due to how the fort is run, recycling or using gear outside of normal circumstances happens on occasion, but Knights are expected to keep it clean and ready for use regardless.

An apologetically, unofficial representative for World 42

Want to get in contact with me?
Discord: nathmatics

22-Jan-2022 23:03:28 - Last edited on 09-Mar-2022 21:43:57 by Nathmatics

Jul Member 2008


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|The Order of Abyssal Knights|

MOS’ and Functionaries

What are MOS’?
MOS stands for “Military Occupational Speciality”. In short, it’s what you can do in terms of skill beyond just combat. For instance, one may gain an MOS relating to the use of communication orbs and how to use them beyond a 1-1 connection. Others may be instructors, researchers, smiths, et al. Feel free to place a reasonable MOS request, then back it further within the “previous experiences” segment of the enlistment papers.

Some practical ones for knights would be:
Engineer (moreso for handcannons)
Initial Anomaly Testing Specialist (IAT Spec)
Ammunition carrier (Mainly to aid Rangers)

Additionally, knights can apply for multiple MOS' if desired, so a scout could also be an IAT Spec, which would be a good combo.

Out of the field, there are many others which CO’s can also perform, from caring for other knights on base, enforcing its policies and political cooperation.

What are Functionaries?
Functionaries is a fancy way of saying “non-combatant that is contractually employed for some form of service”. This can be things like logistics, maintenance, finances and anything you can think of for a fort that is on-guard perpetually. People are allowed to play these characters if they wish, but in most cases they may assist Knights in related MOS’

An apologetically, unofficial representative for World 42

Want to get in contact with me?
Discord: nathmatics

22-Jan-2022 23:03:32 - Last edited on 08-Mar-2022 22:06:36 by Nathmatics

Jul Member 2008


Posts: 893 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
|The Order of Abyssal Knights|

Enlistment/Employment papers

For Knights:
By signing these papers, I (Insert Character name/signature), hereby acknowledge that I will be inducted into the honourable Order of the Abyssal Knights and serve a term of no less than 3 years in active service.

Physical Description:
Desired Combat role:
Desired MOS:
Previous experience (relating to MOS and/or previous services in other branches, or lack thereof if enlisting) :
(Optional) OOC/Additional Notes:

For Functionaries
By signing these papers, I (Insert Character name/signature), hereby acknowledge that I will undertake the tasks and responsibilities of a (Occupation) within Fort Suture, I will be employed henceforth for an intended (insert time, aka months/years).

Physical Description:
Desired Occupation:
Previous experience (In relation to occupation) :
(Optional) OOC/Additional Notes:

An apologetically, unofficial representative for World 42

Want to get in contact with me?
Discord: nathmatics

22-Jan-2022 23:04:23 - Last edited on 08-Mar-2022 22:03:12 by Nathmatics

Jul Member 2008


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|The Order of Abyssal Knights|

Serving Knights/Employed Functionaries

Commander Kenton Decarte - Knight Commander
[Redacted] - Special Branch Unit Leader
Captain Sigmund Felson - Special Branch Operative - Diplomatic Communications Officer
Karle Dente - Officer Cadet - Chaplain
Dean Angscops - Sergeant - Drill Instructor

An apologetically, unofficial representative for World 42

Want to get in contact with me?
Discord: nathmatics

22-Jan-2022 23:04:34 - Last edited on 21-Mar-2022 01:06:08 by Nathmatics

Jul Member 2008


Posts: 893 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
|The Order of Abyssal Knights|

In Memoriam:

*You find yourself returning to base, to again remember that there is an external area on the western edges of the fort which has benches, a place for funeral pyres as well as a large, nigh on monolithic, incomplete cenotaph of all the knights who have died in service thus far, with the symbol of the order and a large “In glory and remembrance to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the security and safety of Gielinor”. Skimming through the names, you see some familiar names:*

Kefta Cass - Officer Cadet - 5th age, Year 145 - 6th age, Year 2
Vhirl For’tou - Sergeant of the Colour - 5th age, year 150 - 6th age, year 1.

An apologetically, unofficial representative for World 42

Want to get in contact with me?
Discord: nathmatics

22-Jan-2022 23:05:10 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2022 23:56:39 by Nathmatics

Jul Member 2008


Posts: 893 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
|The Order of Abyssal Knights|

Additional/Common questions

Funeral Rites
Funerals for knights tend to be open-air cremations in a designated cremation pit near the cenotaph. Knights are usually laid to rest in in-expensive caskets. All knights carrying caskets (4 per casket) slowly walk bearing a casket, placing the casket in front of the cenotaph, then proceed to march away to the rear of the onlookers.

A chaplain talks about the knight/s who’ve passed away. The present Sergeant of the Colours, standing to the right flank of the chaplain, will then march to the front of the caskets, then let the flag unfold. He will then loudly shout “Ready Cannon!”, a brief pause, then “fire!”, to which the ceremonial cannon will dry-fire. 20 seconds are given to reload the cannon, then this is repeated for every present knight who perished.

A hymn is then sung after the SC about turns & proceeds to march to the rear of the currently knights who carried a casket, Knights on the cannons & the 6 who are guarding the portals sing also. If there is no requested hymn by relatives, “Da Pacem, Eques” is sung.

During the hymn, the parade rest knights will march to their respective casket, begin to lift them, then slowly march to the aforementioned cremation pit, caskets are lowered (via rope on the caskets) into the cremation pit. The SC will then return, bearing a small barrel of flammable oil, he will then pass the oil to two of the knights, the SC steps back, then they will pour it over all the caskets, then step back in-line with the SC, then the SC will produce a flint and steel, then light the cremation pit.

This then concludes the ceremony, all on-duty knights are dismissed by the SC.

An apologetically, unofficial representative for World 42

Want to get in contact with me?
Discord: nathmatics

22-Jan-2022 23:05:45 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2022 23:59:51 by Nathmatics

Jul Member 2008


Posts: 893 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
|The Order of Abyssal Knights|

“How do you plan to field so many knights?”
This will likely come down to knights and their rank, it may be that when roleplaying, you may have to roleplay a few knights that are commanded by you in your specific bracket (Corporal + 2 privates, Sergeant + 4)

“How will I roleplay all these characters plus mine?”
In most cases, if a session is on, if you’re outranked, say in the previous example, there may only be the sergeant, you and 3 other knights, or as a corporal, you, another and a knight. Try to imagine that, for which I will dub “filler knights”, to be an extension of yourself. But as the highest ranking knight, do not “hog” all of the filler knights, let the others have a few filler knights.

“How will we be able to keep things “balanced”
I’m hoping that if we get a good turnout for this, if we get a discord running, I will then use a dice-bot to do skill checks or success/failure checks not too dissimilar to DnD. I will likely be the one having to GM unless others wish to stand up to the task, providing they understand the system and feel able to create scenarios on their own behalf.

Additionally, I will make it so that the player’s character has a slight bonus alongside a rank bonus, whilst the other filler knights have no bonus. The bonus will then increase to some degree per promotion, and your filler knights will earn a promotion as well, meaning they will get your previous “rank bonus”. Eventually it may get a bit overwhelming with all the dice and modifiers, but I’m sure with some extra help from you guys, it’ll work!

An apologetically, unofficial representative for World 42

Want to get in contact with me?
Discord: nathmatics

22-Jan-2022 23:06:10 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2022 00:01:08 by Nathmatics

Jul Member 2008


Posts: 893 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
|The Order of Abyssal Knights|

“What if I just want to do a 1-1 roleplay?”
Simple, you can either be at Fort Suture, or if you want to explore together, state that a CO tasked you with a roam of a given area, since FOG exists, this allows for it.

“What happens if my character dies?”
Death occurs often amongst the knights, despite their training, but this only emphasises how great a threat anomalies can be. If your character dies, you are free to assume a new character of the same rank & functions (MOS/’, any specialties).

death is not redundant though, it may be that your character that died may have been selected for promotion, but with a new knight, you’ll likely not get that for a time. They may not have any social ties to the current roleplayed knights, so you’d essentially be the new guy. If you die very often (say 3 times in a month), you may only be a knight of a rank lower than your previous ones. In short; try not to die, if you do, you won’t get punished too harshly unless you die a lot.

"Why are the Knights meant to remain “Neutral”?
This regards both IC & OOC matters, the IC matter would be that they don’t want to aggravate nations, despite their goals being non-malicious in nature, making their primary goal harder to achieve, as well as nations having armies, as opposed to a couple hundred knights that are disciplined in non-human combat.

OOC it’s to not, once again, piss anyone off. If someone were to directly “attack” the order, it would not be because of the order starting it. Remember, I’ve said that any grudges held between two people will not have the knights or the Order backing them up. If you’ve a grudge, it’s your grudge, not ours.

An apologetically, unofficial representative for World 42

Want to get in contact with me?
Discord: nathmatics

22-Jan-2022 23:06:53 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2022 00:02:04 by Nathmatics

Jul Member 2008


Posts: 893 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
|The Order of Abyssal Knights|

I am willing to cooperate with others on the proviso no drama ensues or creates drama within this group and/or the community. We all love and wish to roleplay, so I wish to preserve that spirit and foster it through brotherhood and a military-eque nature, which does bring real soldiers together in a positive manner. I thought it be best that I state my wishes before I do the following:

Finally; feel free to post!

An apologetically, unofficial representative for World 42

Want to get in contact with me?
Discord: nathmatics

22-Jan-2022 23:07:05 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2022 00:03:53 by Nathmatics

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