Author: Adrian, Prince of Albamonte
Title: The heart of inhumanity.
After my unfortunate incident with the demons that assailed Falador (a matter that seemed to delight the tabloids far more than is seemly), I found myself stricken and alone in the desert. Having had my wrist broken, I was in little condition to carry on, and I made it to the outskirts of Pollnivneach before I collapsed.
When I awoke, I was surrounded by the Caliph's soldiers, his impressive janissary cavalrymen. Having made it so far, I had hoped they would tender me help in so trying a time.
That was a misconception.
My personal effects were confiscated (Veritas, fortunately, has a recall charm) and I was slung over the back of one of their camels. I passed out again, and the next awakening came in the depths of one of the Kharid's infamous mining camps.
There are few words to describe the conditions of these camps. Foul, for sure, is amongst them. The conditions I and the other slaves were kept in were nothing less than inadequate to sustain even a goblin. Poor food, and the constant beatings of the guards were the major makeup of that time. Pushing the minecarts, and handing the crude tools they gave us, was a constant trial with my broken wrist, and it took considerable effort on my cousin Valence's part to rectify that.
When we weren't being worked to death, the slaves fought each other like animals. All to often, I was thrown into the ring and clubbed and scratched by them also. The experience could only be described as hell.
Valence got me out of there. He struck some sort of deal with the Caliph for my release. I was made an example of, to show how the acts of the perfidious, untrustworthy white heretic would be reacted to. I could not wish this fate on anyone, death would be preferable.
Of all my wounds, I chose to keep only one. The ankh-shaped brand on my chest. Icthlarin's symbol. I doubt he would have approved of this, so I'll keep it. For irony's sake.